Chapter 20

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Days have passed since we killed that woman. No one has seemed to notice that neither she nor my father had gone missing. I mean, we don't have close relatives but I'm not sure about Ms. Marg. I don't really leave the house anymore unless Titus makes me, which is kinda rare now.

Ever since that day, he hasn't spoken to me and it's really making me anxious. He said I did good, and I believed him. I thought I finally made him proud, proud enough to keep me around. I guess I was wrong though.

The house was fixed and cleaned up, almost as if nothing happened here. Dad's room was bolted shut so no one could go in. Now I was just sitting on my bed wondering if I somehow made Titus upset.

Looking down on my hands I would've never guessed I'd do something like this in my entire life. They itched. They burned, and on reflex, I started to scratch at them. I could see the blood on my hands, I wasn't sure if it was real or not but the sight brought tears to my eyes.

Now there was real blood on my hands, my fathers, mine, the old woman from across the street. I couldn't think straight. I was going to go crazy in this silent house.

My breathing was increasing. My hands won't stop bleeding and I didn't know what to do.

I could see the last look of terror on both their faces.

I can still hear their screams.

I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe.

I don't know what to do.

Then my phone rang.

I didn't want to answer. My hands wouldn't stop shaking but the person kept calling and calling, I tuned out the noise until I couldn't hear anything anymore.

"Dammit Jacob didn't you see me calling your damn phone!?" The voice yelled at me. It sounded familiar but at the same time, it mingled with the rest of the sounds in my head.

The person turned me over so I was facing them. It was Titus. Oh how much I missed him. I wonder if he missed me too?

"Hey! Jacob, can you hear me? Shit! What the hell happened to your hands!?" Jacob yelled at me. I didn't mean to make him more upset. He lifted my body up and took me to the bathroom. When we got there, he put me in the tub and turned the shower on. The water was freezing but it did knock me out of my daze.

"Titus?" Until now I haven't said a word to him. It was like I was stuck in a daze. "I'm so scared to be left alone." I cried.

He sucked his teeth at me. "Fucking idiot. A couple of days. I leave you alone for a couple of days and you go berserk."

"Titus-" I broke out in tears once more. He really was here again.

He turned off the cold water once I came to and carried me back to my room.

"Stop all that damn crying Jacob." It took a little bit but I finally did.

"Where have you been Titus? You said that I did good and yet you left me alone for such a long time and I couldn't take it anymore!" I yelled at him while gripping onto his jacket and pulling him close. He pushed me off of him, my body soaking up the sheets with my wet clothes.

"Take these clothes off before you get sick and if you do, don't expect me to take care of you." He said while he started to remove my clothes. I felt a little self-conscious since it's been a while since he's seen me without clothes on.

"But, you didn't answer me. Where were you? Why did you leave me here for so long?" He pulled off the last of my clothes and took them away. I think he went to put them in the dryer. My thoughts were proven correct when I heard the dryer start. He didn't come back for a while and when he did he had a first aid kit in his hands.

"Give me your hands." Slowly I placed my hands in his and hissed as they made contact with each other. He took our bandages and anti-bacterial spray out the container. He didn't say anything as he disinfected my cuts and wrapped up my hands really tight. When he finished he packed everything Back in the box and put it on my nightstand.

"Here." He handed me a couple of pills and a bottle of water.

"What's this?" I cautiously asked as I took the pills and water.

"It's pain medicine. Just take it." He gets angry so quickly so I decided to just hurry up and take the pills. When I finished I handed the half-empty bottle to him and he also put that on my nightstand.

"Are you... are you um leaving again?" I ask timidly while placing my bandaged hands to my chest. It was starting to get pretty cold and I wanted an answer as quickly as possible.

"Hm. No, I think I'll stay here for a bit." He says to me while talking off his jacket, shoes, and shirt. He gestures towards the bed and I scoot over and also get under the covers. He takes up space next to me and puts the rest of the cover over his body.

I was still sitting up while he laid down and got comfortable. I was unsure as to how I was supposed to respond. Do I make space? Or can I get close to him? Or should I-

"Stop thinking so much or you're gonna hurt yourself. Now lie down and get comfortable." He says not looking at me. He puts his left arm under his head and the right arm out, almost like he wants me to lay there. Slowly I move closer to him and he doesn't move so I take that as the okay and keep going. When I got close I made myself comfortable by his side and he wrapped his arms around my cold body. He was so warm. I nuzzled my face into his neck and when I started to doze off he spoke once more.

"I had to figure some things out at home. My sister was there that night. Apparently, she saw everything." He told me.

"What? What do you mean? Are we going to jail Titus? I can't go I just-"

"Shut up and let me finish." I nodded and closed my mouth. "Now of course I can't handle her like I would've handled everyone else so instead she had a little... accident. Apparently while walking back from school she was beaten up pretty bad and is currently in the hospital. Don't worry though. I don't think she'll be telling anyone anything soon." A sinister look made its way across his face and it sent shivers down my spine. He was deadly. Not even his family was safe from his wrath.

"So we're okay right?" I asked.

"Yeah, we're okay. Oh and speaking of, we missed a lot of school already. The principal already called my mom and they are going to end up calling truancy on us. So tomorrow be prepared for class. Now sleep." He closed his eyes and was quiet after that.

This man was really a force to be reckoned with.

-------------------------------------------------------- Writing this is long overdue but seeing a friend of mine update their story(s) I knew I had to get back to writing this one. Be safe in them streets kids.

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