Chapter 19

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The old hag tried to close the door as quickly as possible but I wouldn't let her. I put my foot in to block the door from closing. She was shocked. In her moment of surprise, I forced myself into the house causing her to stumble back.

"Jacob, close and lock the door," I ordered. He noted and did as I told him. "Now you." I pointed my finger in her face and she jumped once more. "How about you pop a squat right on that couch for me." She hurriedly moved to her couch.

She was scared. Terrified. She didn't know what to do and her body language gave it away. She was staring at the floor instead of looking at me, she fidgeted in her seat and played with her fingers. Her skin; wrinkled from old age was flushed. Well, as flushed as a black person could get.

She had chairs sitting in her living room, so I took one flipped it around so the back part of the chair was facing her and I could rest my arms.

"You do know why we are here right?" I questioned with a smirk. She didn't answer, instead she continued to look down and play with her fingers. "I asked you a question!" I yelled causing her and Jacob to jump in their seats.

"Ah yes? No?" Her voice was soft. It sounded like a voice you would hear from you mother when you're sick at home and she asks are you okay. It It was a soothing sound, like how mothers would talk to their child as they lay them down for bed. It was sweet. Sickly so.

"Well we," I pointed at myself and then back and Jacob. "We are here because we believe that you saw something that you shouldn't  have."

"No, no I didn't see anything." She insisted while looking back and forth between me and Jacob. She was frightened, terribly so that she couldn't stop shaking.

"How do you know you haven't seen it if you don't even know what we think you saw?" She stopped moving at that, her eyes went wide like she realized her mistake.

"Well, I-I-"

"You what? Hm? Cause I think you spoke too quickly. Maybe if you would've listened you would've answered more diligently." I said while smiling at her. Looking over my shoulder I look at Jacob. He was watching from in front of the door, nervous. There were small beads of sweat building up around his eyebrows and he was fidgeting. "Jacob." He jumped not expecting the call.

"Uh, yes?"

"How about you come over here so we can all talk about this together?" Without hesitation, he walked over, pulled out another chair next to me, and sat in it the normal way.

Leaning over I whisper into his ear, "How about you give it a go? Maybe she'll spill if you talk to her." I was baiting him. I wanted to see if he would actually take intuitive and do what needs to be done. There was no need for loose ends and this is his test. His test to see if he is actually a liability.

"Ah, okay." He nods his head at me.
"Well, Ms. Marg. Can you tell us what you saw that night?" He asked politely, which made me agitated.

She was still looking at the floor and decided not to answer his question. He looked back at me like he was confused as to what to do. With a sigh, I get up out of my seat and sit next to her on the couch. Grabbing onto her cheeks I force get head up with much force that she let out a scream.

"Now. Don't make this harder than it has to be. Answer the fucking question!" I semi-whispered in her ear. My grip was hard as steel so she couldn't move even if she struggled. "Jacob."

"Ms. Marg. What do you think you saw that night?" He asked once more but she couldn't answer. She was breathing too hard and crying and it was getting on my nerves.

"That's it." I pulled my knife out the back of my pants and pressed the sharp blade against her neck. Hard enough to make it seem like I'll cut her throat but soft enough to not draw blood.

"Come on Ms. Marg! Just tell us what you saw and you'll be okay," Jacob pleaded with her. "please."

"Tick tock old lady," I say while pressing the knife harder on her neck.

"Okay, okay!" She yelled out, tears streaming down her face. "Th-that night I saw everything. From when you pulled up and until the boy broke down your door. I heard it all. Your screaming for help Jacob but I didn't come I heard it all and I just watched. Watched as your father was killed and you put his body in a bag and drive him away. God. It was so bloody. I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner or call the police. Please forgive me." Jacob was frozen. He didn't know to respond; he just sat and watched as the lady cried.

"Welp now that that's settled," I say while standing up. I stretched out my back and walked towards Jacob.

"You-you're going to let me go?" She breathes out. I turn back around and gave her a 'are you stupid' look.

"Ha! No. Why would you do that? We can't have any loose ends." I tell her.

"But- but you said that I'll be okay Jacob!" She cries out.


"He lied. Plain and simple honey. But if you don't make a fuss it can be quick and simple."

"No. You can't. Help! Some-" I cut her off, covering her mouth and pulling her head back by her hair so her neck was fully exposed.

"Now you gonna have to feel it," I whispered in her ear while she continued to struggle. "Jacob. You know what you have to do."  He stood there. Frozen in fear.

"Dammit, Jacob if you don't do this now, we're gonna go away for a long time and won't see each other again. Do you want that to happen? I'm the only one here for you. The only one on your side." I was getting anxious. If he wouldn't do it then I would have to kill this bitch myself and get rid of him too. Eventually, he nodded and pulled the blade out from its hollister. With a smile on my face, I get up with the lady, kick the back of her knees so she could be kneeling before Jacob.

"Please, please. I promise I won't tell anyone. I'll be quiet." she pleaded with us, but mostly Jacob. I raised my brow at his and nodded my head towards her body giving him the okay to go on with it.

"I'm sorry, but no liabilities."

"Wa-" her plea was cut short and the sound of blood splashing on furniture and clothes could be heard instead. You can hear her gurgling on her own blood and that was music to my ears. I let her body go and watched as it hit the ground with a loud thud and blood pooped around her head body. Jacob and I watched as he body twitched and the color in her eyes was eventually lost. She was dead.

"Ha! Look at you Jacob. For a second there I thought you wouldn't have it in you." I say while patting him on the shoulder. He was covered in blood. It dripped from his curls and flowed down his skin. The blood made his melanated skin shine brighter. The blood-soaked his shirt and for a second he looked like a real killer.

"Did I do good?"He asked while looking up at me. His eyes looked lifeless. Like he was here but wasn't at the same time. Slowly and surely he's being corrupted and oh boy isn't it a sight to see.

Smiling down at him I placed my hand on his bloodied cheek and caressed it as he closed his eyes.

"You did well. Very good Jacob."

And here it is. The chapter I've been procrastinating to write for the longest. But ehhh I think it was okay. Hope it was to your liking tho

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