Cap 22

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Erick takes me to the living room and we see the new girl.
I walk up to her and smile but still so worried about Mar.

"Hey" I say and her face softens "I know it got crazy all at once for you but it's gonna be okay" I say and she smiles.
"I'm Azul, what is your name?" I ask and hold her hand gently.
"Bella, but you can call me Belle" she says quietly.
"hey, Belle." I say and smile to her as she smiles back.

Erick looks at me with a pity look in his eyes.
"What happened there?" I can hear them whispering but I ignore it and just focus on Belle. "do you want some water?" I ask and she slightly nods.

"she said she sees her sister"

I give Belle her cap of water as I try to block the whisperings.

"there was no one there Chris. Nobody, she was going all crazy suddenly"

"shut up" I whisper.
"hey are you okay?" Belle asks and I just close my ears and close my eyes shut tightly.

"I don't know what she saw exactly! She said her sister was there, she even pointed at her"

"Its the trauma from the room Erick, she was scared so she created an image of someone she likes and trusts"

"please" I beg.

"Erick it's just in her mind!!"

"Maybe she isn't lying Christopher. Let's just make sure! Please!"

"Erick, your soulmate is going crazy, deal with it. Her sister is not going to come back from the dead all of the sudden and you know it!"

"shut up. Shut up. Shut up" I whimper and I plug my ears as hard as I could.
"Azul!" I can hear very little but I choose to ignore it.

" It's just her mind"
" it's in her head"
"shes going crazy"
"she was just scared"
"there was no one there, nobody"
"she's crazy"

I hear it echoing in my head.
"shut up shut up shut up!!" I scream and ran to the bathroom.
I shut the door behind me.
"I c-I can't!" I cry.
"Azul, por favor, abre la puerta" ("please open the door")
Erick asks but I ignore him.

"Azul" I hear a familiar voice.
It's Mar.
"Mar?" I ask silently.
"I'm right here, don't mind them, they don't see me. They can't." she says "why? They think I'm going crazy, please help me" I beg. She wipes away my tears " I can't, but you can" she says "how? How can I prove to them that it's real?" I ask and she smiles "you need to wait for the lunar eclipse" she says.
"ill be back in the lunar eclipse" she says.
"that's tonight" I say "right. In the lunar eclipse, I need you to stand in front of the moon, make a small cut on your arm and say my name 5 times. And then I'll be back." she says.

"b-but-" "you want me back?" she asks a little bit mad "yes, of course I want you back but what Erick and the b-" "you can't tell them what you're doing" she cut me off. "why?".
"they don't want me back." she says "of course they do? They feel terrible" I say to her and take one step closer to her.

"they feel terrible because there is a way you could get me back but they didn't want to tell you. They feel bad because you can be happy here. They don't want you to be happy" she says "Mar, what are you talking about, of course they want me to be hap-" "and I am the naive one" she laughs.
"since you got here they take everything that makes you happy and you can't deny it." she says.

Well, she is right but they have orders to follow, it isn't their decision.
"They are good people, they try their best and they must follow orders. You are being ridiculous Mar" I say.
"believe whatever. Don't tell them what you're about to do." she says "okay!" I say.
"by the way, nice tattoo" I say and she smiles and laughs "thanks sis" she says.
A loud knock on the door cut my conversation with Mar.
It was Erick.

"Azul, open up please!" he begs, his voice sounds so desperate and I can practically feel his sadness. "I'm sorry" he says.
"Azul, the lunar eclipse is gonna rise soon, we need to get you in a safe room" he says.
I unlock the door. "what safe room?" I ask"from us, I told you. The lunar eclipse is nothing like the full moon. I can hurt you, really hurt you" he says and drag me upstairs.

"Tef, take the key, don't open the door until tomorrow, you hear me? The eclipse it's self is only few minutes but don't take the risk, it's still a full moon." Zabdiel says and hugs her.
"Don't go out even if your life depends on it, cause going out of here is really a life threat, please take care of your self" Christopher says to Layla.
"you might hear some crazy scary noises but I promise I'll be fine, just don't go out״ Richard say to Mel.
they get out of the room and stand at the entrance.
"Erick?" Joel says.

Erick looks at me one more time "Azul..." he says "humm?" I respond.
"Please don't try to be a hero" he says and chuckles.
I need to tell him, I have to.
"Erick I-" "Erick, the moon is rising. We need to leave" Richard says and pulls Erick out of the room.
"Lock the door" the yell as they start to get all hairy and fluffy.
"Erick wait!" I scream "LOCK THE DAMN DOOR" he yells and Layla shut the door.
Tef locks the door and puts the key inside her bag that she puts on her.


That's the old house btw🤘🏼


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Idek what is he anymore.
He has such a cute face, and he is so gentle, but suddenly he pulls out

He has such a cute face, and he is so gentle, but suddenly he pulls out

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Be the father to my children God dammit!

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