Cap 29

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I run out of the garden and fight to open the gate.

I am getting out of here today.

I keep pushing the gate as I try to break it open.
"damn it!" I scream in desperation.
"Azul" I hear Mar say.
"What Mar! Let me get out of here! Help me!" I yell.
"I can't listen to me" she tries to say "not now!!" I scream "Azul stop!" she yells "NO!" I scream and tears are rolling down my face.
"Listen, the boss-" "I DONT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE BOSS! If you aren't gonna help, then leave!!" I yell. "AZUL I AM TRYING TO HELP YOU BUT YOU DONT WANT TO LISTEN" she yells.
"if your help is to tell me to let go of the gate and give up, I'm not gonna do that." I say.

"Azul you have to let go of the gate! The boss is going to-" I feel sharp pain going through my body, I fall to the ground and close my eyes.

I open my eyes slowly, I see Erick sit in front of me and Palacio stands at the entrance of the room.
"Hola" Erick says "what did you do to me?" I ask and cry "the boss orders to electrocute the gate before you'll escape" he says and looks down.
"so you electrocuted me." I say "Azul I didn't have a-" "choice? You didn't have a choice? Really? It seems like you made quite a lot of choices. Like the choice to kidnap me, the choice to take away my stuff, the choice to bite me-" "I didn't choose to bite you. I wasn't in control!" he says

"When we had sex in the full moon, was that not your choice either??"

I say and he goes quite.
"of course." I say and lay back, I close my eyes and try to sleep.
"Azul I-" "Erick, Don't." I say and he nods slightly and leans back.

Erick walks out of the room suddenly. I look around, looking for an opportunity to escape.
I'll get out of here even if I'll need to climb walls.
I try to open the window but it doesn't open.
"HELL!" I scream in frustration.
"if you will keep trying to escape you will end up tortured in the basement." I hear the boss say from behind me.
I turn around and concentrate.
"hijo de puta" I say under my breathe and activate my power on him.

He was thrown backward and hit his head.
Everybody rushing into the room "Azul stop!" they yell.
"let me go! I just want to leave! I'll leave him alone if you all leave me alone" I say "Azul por favor" Erick says "not this time." I say and activate my powers again. "I don't want to stay here, let me go and I won't do anything to you" I say and cry.
"Azul" Mar says.
"Now you remember to appear? Screw you too, I'll handle it myself" I say.

"Azul, if you start fighting them, you might lose control completely. Stop it. If one of them gets hurt, YOU will be the one to live with the consequences." she says.
"I control myself. Better than anyone" I say "not when you're using your powers, not when you are like this" she says "-"like this"? What do you mean" I ask "not when you are- Raged" she says "I am perfectly FINE! Are you here to annoy me too?" I scream "Azul, I am trying to help. What are you talking about?" you are clearly too angry right now to act with good judgment. Stop it. Please!" she explains.

"You just don't believe in me Mar. You've always been the perfect sister. Always the better one. You are the brilliant one and I am the stupid, slow, rebel, fucked up one. Now I have powers. I worth SOMETHING" I yell. "I am worthy of everything I have right now. I deserved all of that. Good and bad. I deserved it cause eventually I am here and I have so much power then I could ever imagine. And you're dead." I say out loud.
I said it.

"All you needed to do is letting me go, sis" she says. "what?" I ask.
Mar starts to fade away. She smiles waves at me. "Mar what do you mean?" I ask.
I try to grab her but I can't. "don't go! I need you!" I beg "you don't. I'm dead big sis, you can do it." she says and disappears completely.

"Azul, calm down" Chris says "F-F*ck no" I say with tears in my eyes.
"you've taken everything from me, don't tell me to calm down" I say "I am sorry, we all are" he says.
"I wasn't talking to you Chris." I say and look at the boss.
" I was more than happy to take everything from you. You are a little girl who ruins everything, even your soul mate. Don't pretend like it isn't true" he says and I look at Erick that was currently on the floor.
"You are nothing. You ruin everything" he says and I tear up.
"Boss that's not a good ide-" "shut up Erick" he says "But boss listen she doesn't reac-" "I said shut up E-" "you shut up" I say.

I pin him to the wall with my powers and look at him dead in the eyes.
"You are right. I ruin everything." I say. He laughs teasingly

"And now I'm going to ruin you too"

"And now I'm going to ruin you too"

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Note: What do you think of the Beso music video?

Am I the only one who finds it incredibly sad that Christopher is a prettier woman than I'll ever be?

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