Ask Lyli

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So listen.
My story is currently on 34 parts and my ADHD cannot allow it.
So I wanna make 35 parts.
Welp, I was laying in bed and asking myself "Lyli, what can you do to make it 35 parts" and I responded "I don't know who reading my stories, and it's pretty descriptive, so imma answer questions and make it 35".

I smiled to myself and started to write this.
I don't care if you ask things or not I just wanna make it 35😄 but you can ask me ANYTHING. No joke. ANYTHING.

I am the last one to judge cause I am way too fucked up to judge other people😂 you can ask any question you don't wanna ask other adults or too embarrassed to ask and I can answer whatever I know and can explain. Feel free, and thank you Lyli (which is my btw I don't think I said my name before) for the stupid idea 😃

(lyli is my nickname can call me lyli or lylanie which is my real name.)

PLUS- the questions don't have to be "regular" or sexual. You can just hear my opinion or a bunch of things and I can give you honest advice from my fucked up life expectancies. Go for it😀 feel free to get personal. I don't hide anything from you guys (except my face). I feel COMFORTABLE

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