Chapter 5

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A/N Just so y'all know I post a lot especially when it's a new story so sorry, anyways if you like this chapter please vote and comment. trigger warning- mentions of suicide and abuse

No Secrets

John POV

We walk back to my room, laf and herc are in Alex's room and they would probably have questions so we just go into my room and sit on the couch.

"John I'm so sorry about what I said I feel so bad and you were right about everything I don't deserve to have you in my life" he said starting to cry. I move closer to him and rap my arms around him and he tries to push away but I hold him tighter.

"You already apologized and I forgave you, I know you didn't mean it, you were just mad. And you didn't even know about the Jack thing. I was wrong I shouldn't have said anything I said, why don't we just forget about it okay?" I say and he turns around buries his head in my chest and I hold him closer.

"Is there anything else Is shouldn't call you? Or anything I should know? I'm sorry I just don't wanna fuck up this relationship." He says and it almost makes me cry.

"No baby there's nothing else, Is there anything I should know about" He shakes his head. "No more secrets?"

"No more secrets, wait. there is one thing I wanna know, and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He says sitting up and making me release him.

"What is it?" I ask a little worried.

"You said you were suicidal, is that true?" I sigh and slowly nod and Alex gasps and starts to cry, "John, I'm so sorry, are you okay? I mean you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"No, no it's okay, umm well I was about 16 and my dad had just gotten really mad at us, he was drunk and he had smashed some things and threw all his empty bottles at us and well after he pasted out I went out side onto the 3rd story balcony and well, I climbed over the railing and jumped, but before I could fall very much my brother caught me and said 'we need you' and that's pretty much the only reason I'm still alive, because I need to help my siblings." Alex moves closer and hugs me.

"I'm so sorry, please tell me if your every having those thoughts again, I wanna help you." I nod and he kisses on the lips then slowly starts down my neck, I let out a moan and he giggles slipping his hand up my shirt and I start to do the same to him.

Just as things were getting interesting we both got a message from the group chat.

🦟🦗🦟🦗 *dancing* (Don't judge it's just the name of one of my group chats)

aNDPEGGY: Anyone wanna go out for coffee?

BaguetteBitch🥖: Me and Herc are down.

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: I guess me and Alex are in.

Helplesscinnamonroll: Me to!

Neversatisfied: Same, So Starbucks 10 minutes?


I put my phone down and lift Alex off me "Aww where are we going?" Alex complains and I laugh.

"Come on we're going to Starbucks with the others" I say pulling him off the couch.

Time skip to them at Starbucks and everyone's there

"So I'm guessing everything is cool between you two?" Peggy says as we sit down after ordering and I see Alex nod and hide a blush.

(ideas for these messages from @lonely_dinosaur)

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: Awww are you embarrassed?

Runningoutoftime⏳: No....

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: you're so cute

Runningoutoftime⏳: 😢

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: I'm sorry, will a kiss fix it?

Runningoutoftime⏳: Noooo we're not telling the other yet!

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: Why?

Runningoutoftime⏳: Well we only started dating like this morning and I don't wanna tell them then break up and it be awkward.

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: You think we'll break up?

Runningoutoftime⏳: No I'm just saying I'm too awkward to function and relationships and new people can send my anxiety thought the roof and I don't want you to deal with that.

2PintsofSamAdams🍻: That's okay, I'm willing to deal with whatever I need to do to have you, that's why I wanna hug and kiss you cuz I wanna prove it to you <3

I look up and see Alex smiling. "What are you looking at?" Laf says looking over Alex's shoulder.

"Nothing!" He quickly turned of his phone and put in on the table and we all laugh a bit.

"Is everyone excited for classes tomorrow?" I say sarcastically and everyone just groans.

"I don't even know what my timetable is all I remember is I have English first." Alex says.

"So do I, the teacher' great by the way. I guarantee you'll love him" the others laugh and Alex just looks confused.

A/N Sorry it's a short chapter but I hope it's good.

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