Chapter 33

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A/N So this chapter was gonna have a lot of French in it but I'm to lazy to translate it all so basically whenever they're around Laf's family they're speaking French. Trigger warning- homophobic parent. Also in art at school we're doing photoshop so we had to pick a famous artwork and change it up a bit so that's what the picture at the top is. Also, sorry I'm writing a lot here- I kinda just had an idea for a really angsty fanfic like you know lams would be the main ship but also a couple other ones that I don't rlly ship but would be cool to wright about, would y'all ready that? I'm open for suggestions.

*Time skip- the day after John's party and Laf and Herc are leaving in 3 days.*

Lafayette POV

I wake up and check my phone, it's about 11:30. I turn around but Herc isn't there. I sit up and look around the room searching for him. Just as I'm about to call him he walks in hold coffee. "Oh there you are, where did you go?" I ask lying back down.

"I just went to get some coffee," He says and sits down next to me handing me a cup and I thank him. "So how's my beautiful fiancé today?" He asks and I blush.

"Good" I say and kiss him on the cheek. "Did Alex tell you what happened at the party?" I ask more seriously.

"Yeah, I feel so bad for him, I mean on his birthday as well." He says sadly.

"I know. You'd tell me if every felt... well that right?" I ask.

"Of course I would, would you tell me?" He replies and I nod.

"Hey can I ask you a question, but you have to be completely honest?" I ask and he nods confused. "Should I tell my dad? I mean we're engaged now and It's better than if he found out from someone else."

"Well I don't know your dad as well as you but I mean he seems pretty nice. I mean I don't know if I'm the best person to ask because my parents didn't really care but if you want to then you should, I'll be with you no matter what you choose." He says putting his hand on mine.

I take a deep breath and nod. "Ok. I'm gonna do it. today right now, I just need to get it over with." I say and get up, I quickly get changed and put my hair up before walking out of my room followed by Herc.

When we walk out my dad's sitting on the couch watching something and my brother's at the table. "Umm dad can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask nervously.

"Sure, what's up?" He says pausing the TV.

"Well, umm I-I'm engaged." I say and he smiles.

"Ah my son that's wonderful! I didn't even know you had a girlfriend, what's her name." He says and I look at Herc nervously.

"Um a-actually, It-it's not a g-girl, I-it's H-Hercules." I mange to say and his face changed.

"This is a Joke right?" He says in a very stern voice. I shake my head and grab Herc's arm. "Get out of my house." He says and I feel my heart drop.

"W-what?" I choke out.

"Get out of my house, I don't what to see you or you're friend in this house every again!" He shouts.

"But dad-"I start but he cuts me off.

"You're not my son." He says.

"Yes I am! I'm still the same person I was 2 minutes ago!" I shout, I look at my brother for help and he just looks at me sympathetically. "Michel and mum accept me why can't you!" I say now fully crying.

"Do not bring them into this sandal of yours. I am not the bad guy here, you are." He says standing up and walking towards the stairs.

"Who I love doesn't change who I am! I'm still your son!" I try to reason with him.

"I didn't raise a fag. You have 30 minutes." He says and walk away. I fall into Herc's arms crying and he hold me tight.

We walk into my room and I start panicking "W-what am I supposed to do now?" I ask and I put all my clothes in a bag.

"I'm so sorry" He says and I look at him and smile weakly.

"It's not your fault. I love you and that's the only thing that matters." I say and he smiles but doesn't seem convinced. "'Why don't you see if you can get us and earlier flight home?' I say and continue packing.

"I'll do it later, do you want some help?" He asks and I nod. Just as we finish putting everything in bags my dad walks in.

"Time to leave." He says and stands by the open door. I sigh and walk out followed by Herc. I hug Michel and walk outside.

We put everything in my car and get in. "Are you okay?" Herc asks and I start crying again.

"What did I do wrong? Why does he" I reply and he leans over and hugs me which is kinda awkward form where we're sitting.

"You didn't do anything wrong. You're amazing and none of this is you're fault." He says calmly.

"I just wanna leave, when's the next flight home?" I ask and he pulls out his phone.

After a couple of minutes he finds the answer, "There's one tonight at 6" He says and I nod.

"Can we get that one and cancel the other one?" I ask and he nods.

*Time skip- they arrive back in America and go to Alex and John's place first.*

We approach the door and I knock. After a minute or two Alex opens the door with messy hair and in one of John's hoodies and boxers. "what the fuck are you doing here? it's 4:30am and your supposed to be in France" He says grumpily.

"Uh... I came out to my dad and he kicked me out so we came back early." I say and Alex look worried and sad, well as much as he can for someone who's half asleep.

"Come in." He says and we follow him inside and up the stairs. "John get up!" He half yells and throws a pillow at him, they're so loving towards each other.

"Ugh what the fuck, you're not even supposed to be awake, shut the hell up." John replies. Yes like I said true love.

"Yeah but Lafayette and Hercules are here at this ungodly hour and one of them need therapy." Alex says throwing another pillow at him.

"What about?"

"His dad kicked him out." John sits up and looks at me.

"Fuck him. What happened." He asks, both of them mostly awake now.

"I told him we were engaged, he got pissed, called me a fag and gave me 30 minutes to pack and told me not to go back there." I say simply. I pretty much cried the whole plane trip so now I'm mostly just tired.

"I'm so sorry. Anything we can do to help?" John asks, I feel bad telling him about this because of his dad but he's also the only other one who's dad hated them because of it so he gets it.

"Could we stay here for a couple of nights, Herc's family isn't expecting us for another 3 days and I don't wanna put my problems on them." I ask and they nod.

"There's another spear room across the hall." Alex says and we nod and walk out of their room and into the spear room.

"You ok?" Herc asks when we get into bed.

"Yeah I guess. I just wanna go to sleep and think about this later" I say and he nods. I slowly start to fall asleep in his arms.

A/N Okay I went though and tried to fix any problems, if it still seems like a lot is repeated plz comment and tell me where specifically and I'm happy to change it.

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