chapter 34

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A/N I'm sorry I haven't been to a wedding since I was like 2 so idk how they work exactly.

The wedding

John POV

*Time skip- a couple of months later, term 2.*

"John what are you and Alex wearing?! Have the girls got their dresses yet?! Someone check the weather for tomorrow! Where's my hair spay?!" Laf yells as he paces around our room.

"Laf calm down, me and Alex are wearing the tuxes you told us to wear, the girls are picking up their dresses in an hour, the weather's perfect tomorrow and your 18 bottles of hair spray are in the bathroom." I say.

"Ok, Is everything sorted out for the rehearsal dinner tonight?" He asks.

"Yes everything's perfect, now you still have 4 and a half hours until you have to get ready for tonight so relax, go to a spa or something." I say and he nods and walks out and as if on que Herc walks in freaking out.

"Who's picking up the rings?! Where's laf's hair spray?! What time is the cake being delivered?! Has everyone RSVPed?!" He yell and me and Alex sighs ready to go though this for the 9th time this week.

"I'm picking up the rings tomorrow, Laf's hair spray in is the bathroom, the cake's coming 2 and yes everyone's RSVPed." Alex says and Herc nods

"Everything is perfect. We're the best men we'll make sure everything's perfect so go relax." I say and he walks out.

"This better be worth the months of being yelled at and school I've missed" Alex says sarcastically and I laugh.

"It will be, and even if it's not they're paying for everything including hotel rooms so it'll be fun." I say winking and he giggles.

*Time skip- the next day, just before the wedding*

"Are you ready?" I ask as Laf straightens is tie.

"I think so. I'm really nervous, what if I forget my vows or I forget to say I do or he changes his mind at the last minute?" He says starting to panic again.

"No, don't think about that okay. Your vows are in your pocket if you need them, Washington will tell you when to say I do and Herc loves you so much it's almost annoying he's not gonna back out. Now come on you have to walk down in a minute." I say and lead him out before he can say anything.

"Wait how fast do I walk? I'm going after Peggy right?" He asks when we're just outside the door..

"Just walk at a normal pace or a tiny bit slow. like to the beat of the music and yes when Peggy's at the end of the isle you start walking, remember you practiced this you're gonna do great, now I have to go stand at the front so I'll see you up there." I say and walk up to were I'm supposed to be standing.

After a minute or two the music starts playing and everyone stands. Angelica, Eliza and Peggy walk down the isle one after the other spreading flowers as they do. Once they're all at the front the door open and Laf's standing there. He smiles when he see's Herc at the front and starts walking.

He stops and turns so he's facing Herc. Washington, who's officiating starts speaking, "We're gathered here today to Celebrate the love these two have for each other and witness their promise to be by each other's side for the rest of they're lives. I have known these two for about 2 and half years and not gonna lie they were kinda annoying at first and never did they're work on time" He says and everyone laughs. "But even before they were dating it was pretty obvious they were in love, I mean the amount of times I saw Lafayette staring at him from the back of the classroom is of the charts." Laf blushes. "But I got to observe, from a far, they're relationship grow and I don't think any of us are surprised that they're here today, in the middle of a school term, getting married. I wish you both the best and now I believe you have you're own vows?" He asks and they nod.

Herc pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and starts to read. "When I first met you on the first day of school, well I want to say I fell in love straight away but honestly you were kinda scary." He says and Laf laughs. "Then we got rooms next to each other and thanks to John I got to know you and I knew after a while I wanted to spend my life with you. It's kinda weird how many of us got together after getting drunk and playing truth or dare. I love you so much and you're my best friend and I don't know what's gonna happen in the future but I want to go though it with you by my side. I know you're life hasn't been easy, and it breaks my heart because you deserve so much better than anything or anyone on this earth but I promise to always be there for you." He says and I wipe a tear from my eye.

"Um I remember the day we met, I though you were cute so I begged John to introduce me. Over time you became my best friend and the only one I wanted to be with and I'm so glad John's such an asshole and said I loved you that day we first met Alex." Me and Alex laugh, remembering that day. "If he didn't I'd probably be in my room right now wishing you were with me, In fact every time you leave to get something I wish you were with me, which I know makes me very clingy but I don't care. These past months have been crazy, I've had about 3 panic attacks per day just to be standing here with you right now but I wouldn't change a thing. Life is unpredictable, not everything's in our control, but as long as you're with the right people you can handle anything and you Hercules Mulligan are the right person for me." Laf says, both of them are crying at this point, along with most of the audience. (Anyone get the B99 reference?)

"Alright, may we have the rings?" Washington asks and me and Alex hand the their rings. "Do you Hercules Mulligan take Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health, though poverty and prosperity, and through the good and the bad?"

"I do." Herc say putting the ring on Laf's finger.

"And do you Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette take Hercules Mulligan to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health, though poverty and prosperity, and through the good and the bad?" He asks.

"Yes- Uh I mean I do!" Laf says and we laugh as he puts the ring on Herc's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may kiss the gro- yeah" He says but's interrupted by Herc grabbing Laf and Kissing him. Everyone claps and slowly exits the building.

"Congratulations! Also I feel like I didn't get enough credit, man looking back with out me y'all would be sitting at home crying." I say when I finally get to them.

They both laugh, "You're right John, but doesn't that mean we get credit for getting you to together? I mean we already repaid you by putting you in our vows but you guys owe us." Laf says smirking.

"You no what don't worry, we have to go prepare for our speeches later" I say and me and Alex walk of and hear them laughing.

A/N So I don't wanna make this chapter too long so I'm gonna make a wedding part 2.

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