Chapter 36

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A/N Thx so much for 600+ reads you honestly don't know how happy it makes me. Trigger warning- Homophobic parent, sexual assault.

*Time skip- 2 weeks*

Peggy POV

Me, Angelica and Eliza came home for the weekend and I've been texting Maria a lot. I was gonna tell my dad about her last year but I just got distracted and forgot so I'm gonna do it today. "Hey Angie, Liza?" I ask knocking on Eliza's door.

"Yeah?" Eliza says looking up from her phone.

"I-I'm gonna tell dad about Maria today..." I say nervously and they both smile.

"That's great! Like now or later today or what?" Angelica asks.

"Uh... now I guess." I say and they nod and walk out with me to the living room where my dad's sitting reading the news paper. "H-hey dad I-I wanna talk to you about something" I stutter nervously.

"Why are you nervous? What's wrong?" He asks. He's actually a really nice person other than the fact that he's homophobic.

"I-I have a G-Girlfriend" I say and I see his face fall, I know I've disappointed him.

"What?" He asks.

"I-I'm a lesbian." I say and Eliza and Angelica hold my hands.

"No you're not. You're young, your in collage and you're confused." He says picking up the paper again.

"No I'm not. I've know I'm gay for years and I have a girlfriend that I love and no matter what you say it's not gonna change me." I say trying not to cry or get too mad.

"How dare you tell me this?! Do you know what people will say if word gets around that have a gay daughter?!" He says standing up and hovering over me."

"So you're saying you wouldn't care if I had just kept it to myself?!" I yell in his face.

"No I wouldn't have. Nobody needs to know!" He says matching my tone.

"I'm you're daughter! You should love me for who I am, my sexuality doesn't change that." I say.

He sighs and takes a step back. "When you were 5 I would take all you girls our shopping, you would drag me into different shops and show me everything you liked. One time we went into a wedding dress shop and you all picked out your future dresses and after that for the rest of the day you never stopped talking about your wedding day, you told me you were going to marry a prince and you'd live happily together and have 3 kids. You told me what your prince would look like and his personality and the whole time I was thinking, when you grow up you're gonna find the perfect guy and I'll get to walk you down the isle and now I don't get to do that." He says.

"You can still do that! I still want you to be at my wedding a give me away, I don't know if I'll marry Maria but whoever I marry doesn't make a difference. I'm still your little girl, the only difference is it's a princess not a prince." I say now failing to hold back tears.

"Look. I still love you, you're still my daughter but I do not want to hear about your Love life and I don't want to meet your Girlfriend and I don't want and invitation to your wedding." He says and walks off to his room.

"Are you alright?" Eliza asks sympathetically.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna go for a walk" I say and Grab my phone a walk out the door. I decide to call Maria.

"Hey babe, what's up?" She says when she answers.

"I just came out to my dad" I say quietly.

"Omg are you ok? Do you want me to come over? How did he react?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm okay you don't have to come over. He basically just said he dreamed of giving me away to the perfect guy and he doesn't want me to talk about it or have you over or really have anything to do with my love life. Do you think I could come over?" I ask shyly.

"Yes of course you can. Do you want me to call the others?" She says sweetly.

"no, it's okay. I'll be there in like 20 minutes." I say and she says bye and I hang up. I get an alert on my phone 'Eliza Schuyler tagged you in her story' I look and see she posted about me coming out which is just great.

When I'm about 10 minutes from Maria's house I see someone up a head of me. I keep walking trying not to look helpless or weak. "Well if it isn't miss Peggy Schuyler," Ugh of course It's James Reynolds.

"What do you want Reynolds?" I say, I'm not in the mood for his bullshit right now.

"Hey don't use that name as an insult, It could be you're last name one day." He says.

"The only way it would be my last name would be if I married Maria, Who I'm going to see now so get out of my way." I say but he just stands right in front of me.

"Yeah I heard about you two. I don't think you're gay I think you just haven't found the right guy to straighten you out." He say stepping closer and putting his hand on my hip.

I slap his hand away, "And you really think you're that guy?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me." He says, pushing some of my hair out of my face.

"James you disgust me. Listen it's not a choice idiot and even if it was you'd be my last. Now out of my way." I say and start walking past him but he grabs me by the waist and picks me up. "What are you doing! Put me down you-" I scream but he puts his hand over my mouth.

"You better listen really well, You're gonna shut up and come with me to my car and we're gonna drive away. After I've done what I want with you, you can leave but you won't tell the police and if you do I'll know and you'll regret it." He says in my ear and I shiver with fear, I decide to do what he says after all Charles and John's dad are in jail and they still make his life hell.

He takes me to his car and pushes me in the back and locks the door. He gets in and starts driving somewhere. After I don't know how long he parks and pulls me out of the car and into a building. When he locks the door and windows he lets go of me and I run to a corner of the room.

He slowly walks over and moves my arms which were around my waist. Of course I just happened to be wearing a dress today. He slides his hand up my thigh and I try to slap it away but he only just slaps be across the face making me yelp. He continues what he was do and slaps me or punches me every time I try to stop him.

A/N Yikes lil bit of a cliff hanger sorry.

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