Chapter 15

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A/N Hey, again I'm sorry for my lack of writing skills but here's the 15th chapter enjoy. Trigger Warning- Kidnapping, Sexual assault/rape, abuse

You'll be back...right?

Alex POV

"What are you doing where?" I say standing up and walking towards the door where George and Charles are.

"Didn't you hear him? I'm here to talk about our good friend John. Mr. Washington could you please let us have some privacy?" He asks in a revoltingly polite manner and George nods and walks off closing the door behind him.

"Where's John?" I say after I'm sure George is out of ear shot.

"Well I ran into him in the street, he looked upset so I thought I'd take him to my place for a drink." He says smirking, his face makes me what to throw up.

"Where is my boyfriend?" I say starting to get angry.

"I'll tell you what, You can tell that French kid you always hang around where he his and to go get him but only on 2 conditions."

"Which are?" I don't even care what they are I just need John back.

"You're not allowed to tell the police or make it seen like anything's wrong and You'll come with me and let me do whatever I like to you."

"Ok fine, can I just text Lafayette now?" I say and he nods and tells me the address

Runningoutoftime⏳: Hey could you pick up John from 221 baker street? I would but he told me if he's out I have to take care of his turtles.

"Let me check it before you send it." He says snatching my phone of me, "What's with the turtles?" He says.

How do I make this not weird, I mean it's a code word obviously its weird. "Um well they know John has turtles and he loves them and I need a reason can't pick up John so they don't get suspicious" I say nervously and he seems to buy it.

I walk down stairs with Charles very close behind me and we head out the door. "Where are you guys off to?" Martha says, she's always so sweet.

"Well me and Alex haven't hung out properly so I thought we could get to know each other while Johns at the shops with Peggy." Charles says. He really has thought this all through.

"Ok have fun!" she waves us out the door and once the doors closed Charles shove's me into his car.

Lafayette POV

Me and Herc are sitting in bed eating lunch and watching a movie when I get a text from Alex.

Bi mess⏳😂: Hey could you pick up John from 221 baker street? I would but he told me if he's out I have to take care of his turtles.

"Hey herc I think either Alex or John is in trouble." I say as I read the text.

"Why?" he asks pausing the movie.

"Well even though it was made for John and his dad Alex sent me this, John wouldn't mind his turtles being alone fore like 30 minutes." I say showing him the message.

"Oh shit isn't that Charles Lee's house?" Herc says getting.

"It is! Shit what do you think he did? Ugh never mind that we have to go now!" I say and we get run out of the house and into my car as fast as we can.

When we're about 5 minutes away we run into huge traffic. "Fuck, what if he killed him! Alex will kill me he asked me to get John and if he's dead because I wasn't fact enough I'll never forgive myself, Alex will never forgive him." I say beeping the horn.

"Laf, chill Charles wouldn't kill John, he still loves him remember? I'm sure this traffic will move soon." Herc says calmly, I don't know how he's so calm when 2 of our friends are in danger, well I guess he's just trying to stop me form driving into these slow ass cars.

"But what about Alex, what if he's in trouble to?" I say.

"I don't know, I'm freaking out just ask much as you! Alright I'm just gonna call him" He says and pulls out his phone.

"He didn't answer, what do we do?" Herc says, I sigh and beep the horn again.

Alex POV

I can hear my phone ringing, It's on the other side of the room. I want to go pick it up and tell whoever's calling me to help but I can't Charles has me nailed to the wall, I don't even know where we are but it's not anywhere near any of my friends.

"Why do you want me, I thought you stilled loved John!" I yell in his face and he punches me in the stomach making me groan in pain.

"I am but once John finds out you cheated on him he'll come running back to me. But if you're to annoying then after you die in 'a car accident', he'll need a rebound boyfriend and then will fall in love with me again." He says, hovering over me. He's taller than John so being short doesn't help in this situation.

"Why not just threaten me into breaking up with him?" I say trying not to show my fear though my voice.

"Well I could have done that but I haven't fucked anyone in a could of weeks and your legs may be short but I bet no all of you is" He says so close to me I can feel his breath down my neck. Suddenly there's a crack of lightning and thunder and I yelp. Great this is just what I need right now.

"Oh scared of a little storm?" He says laughing and I jump at another crash of thunder.

He lowers his hand down and my pants and unzips the fly. Every time I try to push him away he only pushes me against the wall harder and punches me and it doesn't help that I'm starting to have a anxiety attach because of the storm. "The more you resist the longer this is gonna take" He says ripping my shirt of and tilting my head do I have to look directly into his eyes.

"Well I see why John likes you." He laughs running his hand over my chest and stomach where there are already bruises from where he punched me. He unbuttons my jeans and starts to lean in to kiss me. Before I can move my head is tongue is in my mouth and I can't do anything about it. I try to move my hand to push him away but he grabs my wrist and holds it against the wall. It's all for John, it's worth it for John I tell myself.

John POV (15 minutes earlier)

I open my eyes and everything's a bit blurry, I don't know where I am but I'm not at home and as far as I can tell Alex isn't here where is he? I sit up as everything comes into focus "Oh shit" I say to my self as I realise where I am.

I get up and look around, it's been so long since I've been here and I don't like the memories I have of it. How long was I out for? Thankfully I still have my phone. It's only been about 30 minutes so that's good but my head hurts like hell, Charles must have hit me there hardest.

Suddenly there's a huge crack of lightning followed by very loud thunder. "Alex!" I scream, he's all alone or with Charles and there's a storm none of these are good things. I should call Lafayette, that the best option.

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