Chapter 48

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John POV

I wake up on the floor somewhere with a huge hangover. I sit up slowly and try to figure out where I am. Lafayette and Hercules' place. I look around and see everyone else sprawled out around the room. I groan as I try to stand up but quickly give up when I nearly throw up.

I hear someone else stir, I slowly look around to see who it is. "Fuck where am I?" I hear Alex groan from the couch I'm sitting next to.

"I'm pretty sure we're at Herc and Laf's." I say and he looks down at me with a blank expression.

"John that's it." He says finally. I'm about to say something when I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Alex slowly come behind me and pulls back my hair.

"Who ever that is shut the fuck up," I hear Angelica say.

"Fuck off Angelica" I respond.

"quelle heure est-il?" Laf asks.

"11:30" Alex says.

"Is that the time?!" I say way to loud and we all grumble at the noise. "Sorry." I say.

"Yeah it's 11:30, Oh shit" Alex says realising why I yelled. "I'm gonna go make a hangover cure, Then we all have to get ready for tonight." He says walking away from me now that I've stopped throwing up.

"What's tonight?" Herc asks.

"Rehearsal dinner." He nods as I come out of the bathroom.

"Pouvons-nous simplement déplacer votre mariage? Ou ne pas avoir de dîner de répétition. C'est tôt et clair et bruyant. Je ne veux pas y aller." Laf says and since Herc went to go help Alex none of us have no clue what he said.

"Don't speak until you've had the hangover cure none of us know what the fuck saying." Peggy comments.

"pas ma putain de faute" He says under his breath.

"Shut up Lafayette" Alex says, coming out and handing us all cups with something in it. We all drink it and I gag hoping I don't throw up again. Peggy on the other hand does.

"Thx babe." I say once I finish it.

"All g, it might take like 20 minute to actually work though." He says and we all nod.

*Time skip- the next day like 3 am*

I wake up and it's like 3 am, I roll over but instead of seeing Alex asleep he's on his phone. "Lexi what are you doing up?" I ask.

"I'm just reading" He replies.

"You need to sleep, we have to be up in 4 hours." I say moving some of his hair from his face. He doesn't say anything. "Babe what's wrong? Why won't you sleep?" I ask lowering his phone so he looks at me.

"I- It's nothing. Don't worry." He say and puts his phone done and turns around.

"Tell me, whatever it is I promise I won't get mad." I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

He sighs and rolls back around. "I'm scared. Of getting married, and having a future. I mean I'm happy to be getting married to you that's all I've wanted for years but when we're married it's and even bigger commitment that a relationship. I don't wanna fuck up." He says avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay, I'm scared too. But we're going though this together. We've gone through so much and after today we don't have to deal with it. After today everything will be better. We get to spend our whole lives together. We're gonna be fine." I say softly and he smiles.

"I love you" He says.

"I love you too." I say and wrap my arms around him while he snugs up to my chest.

*Time skip- a couple of hour later like an hour before the wedding*

Alex POV

"Okay so Peggy and Angelica are getting their hair and makeup done now right?" I ask, pacing across the room.

"Yes and the rings are here and so is the cake-" Herc starts but Laf comes in.

"Sorry to interrupt but John's having an argument with the officiator." He says. Washington isn't officiating because he's wanted to be part of the serves.

I follow Laf out and find John yelling the officiator. "This is my wedding! We're paying you for this!" He Yells.

"What's the problem?" I ask walking over.

"He refuses to call me John in the serves!" John explains.

"What? that's bullshit. Why?" I ask, Picking up John's hand.

"Well because John isn't his real name if he signs as John and is called John in the serves it wouldn't be a proper wedding, I'm sorry it's the law." He says.

I pull John a side and He looks mad. "John..." I say quietly.

"No, don't do that. Don't make be feel bad about this. I shouldn't have to be reminded of my dad on my wedding day!" He yells.

"I know, I know but what other choice do we have?" I say and he sighs.

"you're right. I just- I hate how even on my wedding day my dad managed to ruin it to some extent." He says. I hug him and he kisses me on the cheek.

We walk back over, "Fine. I'll sign as Jack and you can call me Jack only when it's necessary in the serves but that's it." John says and the officiator smiles and walks off.

"Okay time to go, you'll see each other later! You weren't supposed to see each other at all before the wedding!" Laf says pushing me ways and John laughs a bit.

"Alright I'm going." I say and leave the room to go back to where I was before.

"You're back! Is everything ok?" Herc asks.

"Yeah, there was an issue with John not being John's real name and all that but we're all good now." I reply and he nods.

"Well 45 minutes. Everything's ready. and guests will arrive in about half an hour." He says and I smile.

45 minutes until I'm married to John.

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