Chapter 27

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This one is for the amazing @RICHMALOLEY ILY for reading and voting!! Check out my Nate fanfic Secrets :)))

-Jack POV-

"Baby it's only three days." I said holding Hannah in my arms. She was trying not to cry while Johnson and I were about to board a flight to New York.

"I know." She sniffed. "Just have fun and hurry back." She kissed me softly.

Its now Wednesday. Jack and I are taking a plane from Nebraska to New York for our appearance on Jimmy Fallon's show. The appearance is on Thursday night and Friday we'll be on a flight back to Omaha.

I was pumped to be traveling but something didn't feel right...

The fact that Hannah wasn't coming with made me want to sulk the entire trip. Her dad wasn't keen on letting her go that far again, Miami was the limit so Hannah had to stay.

"I'm gonna miss you all the time." I said sadly, clutching her hand in mine. We had like 15 minutes until I had to be on the plane, JJ went to get us water.

"I'm gonna miss you too." She shrugged, she was smiling widely and trying to be really happy for me but I could see the sadness ib her eyes.

"Stay at your parents please?" I pleaded with Hannah. "I don't want you to stay without me in the apartment."

She laughed. "Its only three days like you said so I'll be fine! Just have fun."

"You'll never listen to me huh." I chuckled and leaned forward until our foreheads were touching. She shook her head, a small tear was building up making my heart ache and I wasn't even on the plane yet.

She pressed her lips against mine, closing her eyes to prevent herself from crying. I kissed her harder than I ever have, crushing her lips in mine. It was a bittersweet kiss because I had to leave her soon.

"Flight 34 to Newyork. All passengers to board plane now." The intercom above us boomed interrupting our kiss.

Hannah pulled away just as i wanted to kiss her more. "Go on. JJs waiting for you." she gave me one last hug. "I love you."

"I love you." I whispered. I turned away and walked towards the plane.

Hannah was a good distance away from me waving and smiling to both of us. JJ waved and boarded the plane, I followed. When we settled into our seats, I was at the window. A perfect view of Hannah outside crushed my heart a little bit.

I wanted nothing more than to get off and run to my girlfriend who was crying now. It was three days yeah but way too long for Hannah and I. This is the longest I'll be without her in a solid few months.

As the plane took off I waved as she waved too. A smile on her face but tears streaming down her face. I bit back a few tears as her figure got smaller and the distance between us grew longer.

If this is what it felt like to leave her for a few days, I never want to leave her ever again

Before we were in air, I caught a glimpse of Hannah's head in hand, her body shaking from crying.

I wished I hadn't seen that.

-Hannah POV-

Jack and Jack were about to go on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon any second now. It's Thursday night and I'm sitting on the couch watching the new episode. Alone.

I felt a little bit alone because if Megan was still in Nebraska we would be watching it together. So I was alone but still excited to see the two guys go on in a few.

Jack wouldn't be home until tomorrow night because of the show. I survived one day without him so far, it wasnt that bad but it was really lonely.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for our new artists - Jack and Jack." Jimmy introduced the boys. The crowd erupted into applauses and screams as Jack and Jack ran out onto the stage.

They waved and had the biggest smiles on their face. It made my heart swell with pride watching them. Jack looked so handsome in his flannel shirt.

Jimmy talked to them for a few minutes and asked them the usual questions. Questions like the same names and how they met in kindergarten having the same shirt and name.

They spoke about new songs being released and all the things they've been through for the past year trying to get noticed.

I wasn't really listening, just staring at my fiancé. He was smiling, his eyes looked extra dark and sexy, those eyebrows makes a girl shiver inside. He looked so happy.

"So Johnson -can I call you guys by your surname instead -any special lady?" Jimmy asked him.

He blushed then answered. "Sadly it didn't last because she had to move." He pouted. I kind of teared up when he mentioned that because i was so busy with Jack and I that I didn't realize he didn't have Megan either.

Jimmy pouted. "How about you Gilinsky? I came across tweets about you and some girl named Hannah Bass? Is that correct?"

Jack smiled proudly. "Oh yeah we've been together for a few months already. She's from Ohio originally and absolutely perfect."

"Really? That's great." Jimmy said. "Does that make you feel awkard? You're famous and she's a small town girl."

Jack frowned. "She's not just a small town girl, she's so special man i can't even explain to you to how lucky I am."

Johnson chuckled. "He's so whipped."

Jack laughed. "I am not whipped bro."

Johnson howled with laughter. "He makes us pick up her dry cleaning and even shops at Victoria Secret for her."

"Shut the fuck up." Jack turned red smirking at the camera.

"Seems like a fairytale." Jimmy laughed.

"Yeah its just..." Jack shrugged. "I love her so much, when we talk its kind of like a getaway for us. When I'm with her its like putting the world away for a while, I'm not Jack the famour singer - I'm just Jack for once."

"Wow!" Jimmy clapped his hands. The crowd was cheering and awww'ing to what Jack had said. "You two seem serious already."

Jack was beaming. "Yes we are." He said grinning like crazy. Johnson was patting his back. And then Jack said the one thing I didn't think he'd say on live television.

"We're getting married soon." Jack finished proudly.

Even though I was annoyed that he'd say that after I told him not to, happy tears were rolling down my face.

Thanks to all the girls who commented on the prev chapter for wedding ideas! Seriously i love you guys sooo much! I've taken them into consideration! Feel free to comment any ideas you'd want to be featured in the wedding chapter :))

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