Chapter 71

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Dedicated to:


-Jack POV-

Hannah and had finish put the babies room together a few days ago. We're finally really settled into our home, Hannah couldn't stop exploring the house and yard.

But I love it too. We spent the last few days just focusing on the house, on off days I'd meet Johnson and Carter at the studio for a quick session. But he understands that I can't always be around because Hannah is also a priority.

"You shouldn't be walking this much." I said as Hannah dragged me through the mall yet again. We decided to throw a small little dinner to thank the guys, Maggie and our parents for helping us.

"I just need a few stuff for tonight." She said ignoring my groans.

Hannah is like very very very pregnant right now. In fact we're waiting for her due date which should be any day now. We already had a hospital bag packed for her. But that wouldn't stop her from climbing Mount Everest if she could.

"You're such a woman." I rolled my eyes and trailed after her anyways. We stopped at the till to pay for everything and the cashier was eyeing Hannah out. He was younger than us but still...don't look at my girl.

Even when she's pregnant, has a ring on her finger or is out with her husband, guys still stare at her. It makes my blood heat up and I could kill them.

"What's wrong?" Hannah asked softly noticing my face turn blank. I shook my head with a smirk and kissed her sloppily, tongue and everything, infront of her admirer.

I didn't stop from grabbing her ass either.

"Well then." She said breathlessly when I pulled away. "That was amazing but a 'I'm fine' would have been okay."

"Just felt like kissing my wife." I smiled and said wife loudly. The cashier looked sulky now making my smirk grow wider. Point for Jack. (Jealous jack is sexy AF!)


When we got home, I went to shower while Hannah prepared dinner. She loves cooking and made sure she made dessert every night. She probably wants me to get fat so no woman can look at me.

When I finish, I threw on a pair of khaki shorts and a black sweater.

I was about to walk down stairs when I passed the babies room and took a quick peek. I just gazed around the room thinking about how in a few days there would be two other people in my life.

It was scary for me too. I wouldn't wanna fail as a father, and especially to Hannah who works so hard. Its even scarier thinking about how in a few years, two little rascals will be running around this house.

It made my heart swell with pride that I would have two Gilinskys added to the family.

"Jack!" Hannah yellrd. "Help me set the table!"

"Coming babe!" I yelled back and shut the door. Any day now.

I helped Hannah set the table before everyone showed up. When they did Hannah and i were showered with house warming gifts.

"You look great!" Maggie said patting Hannah's stomach.

"Totally." Carter commented and hugged her.

When our parents and the other guys got here we could finally eat. Hannah was ecstatic when they all complemented her food, it made me laugh to myself.

After dessert, the guys went outside to have a drink while Hannah, Maggie and our moms tidied up the table.

"You're gonna be a dad." My dad patted my shoulder. He looked proud and that made me feel like I was doing something right.

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