Chapter 95

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Little Mix - Good Enough <3

S/O to everyone who sends me DMs or written on my board! It makes me so happy and I literally love you all!

-Hannah POV-

I sighed as Jack kissed my shoulder softly and slid his hands under my shirt, touching my back. I shivered from the feeling he always gave me.

But I knew this would lead to something I wasn't up for.

"Sorry Jack, I'm just in pain." I sighed and gently pushed his hand off my waist. I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Jack sighed and moved away from me without looking at me. He was upset and I could tell.

"I'm sorry." I stood up and walked over to him, and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever." He shrugged my hand off. I was taken back but didn't take it too personally, he was a guy and this was expected.

"I'm 7 months pregnant." I said. "You can't expect me to still sleep with you Jack."

He turned around. "Well what am I suppose to do Hannah? Because this is difficult for me too."

"I know that babe." I said moving closer to him. "But just wait it out for me, it really hurts - not in a good way either."

Jack sighed. "I just hate it, you make me feel like you hate when I touch you."

"Its not that." I tried to make this situation better but Jack wouldn't hear it now.

"I'm just gonna head out for a while." He murmured and walked out of the room leaving me alone feeling awful.

But I couldn't deal with the pain even if Jack gets upset, he'll get over it somehow. I walked out of the room to see what the twins were up to.

"Mom! Can we swim?" Finn came up the stairs with Kimberly behind him. It was a hot day so I figured why not?

"I suppose so." I smiled. "Get dressed and I'll wait outside with snacks!"

While Kim and Finn changed into bathing suits, I made little sandwiches and got out a few sweets and chocs. Two sodas and a water added to the tray and I walked out back to the pool.

"I'm jumping in first!" I heard Finn scream from inside as he ran out and straight into the pool. Kim jogged behind - she hated running just like her father.

"Be careful baby." I said to Finn who was wild.

Kimberly wouldn't jump in just yet so she stood at the edge then walked over to me and pouted.

"What's wrong Kim?" I asked giving her a hug.

Before she could answer, two voices spoke from the back door.

"Yo yo wassup!"

I looked back, Sammy and Nate smiled goofily and walked over to the pool. Finn waved widely from the water and Kim ran to hug the two.

"Hey guys." I smiled.

"You should lock that door." Nate said before greeting.

"Well Jack just left...I kinda forgot." I added guiltily.

"Still." Sammy chuckled and held his arms open. I stood up with difficulty and hugged him, then gave Nate one too.

After Johnsons wedding, Nate and Jack were back on speaking terms. Nate had apologized for being inappropriate and Jack seemed okay but he still wasn't Nate's biggest fan.

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