Chapter 54

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Dedicated to: @jackfuqq my fave babe!
And @jackandjack13 @claragraziosi @MsFlyLikeABirdKelly

Song: Taylor Swift - You're in Love
my fave song and perf for this chapter!

-Hannah POV-

"Morning." I smiled and placed a mug of coffee in front of Jack. He smiled warmly and ate his breakfast, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast.

"Babe pancakes too?" He said with a mouthful of food. "You're too good to me."

I giggled as I flipped his pancakes. "Well I just wanted you to have a good meal this morning."

"Fuck! I married the most amazing woman in the world."

"Oh stop Jack!" I blushed.

This morning we both woke up with a huge smile on our face because we knew what was scheduled for this afternoon at 4 p.m.

I set the plate of pancakes in front of him with blueberries and syrup. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer, he was sitting down so my belly was in front of  him. He kissed it softly.

"You're gonna have the best mom in the universe kiddo." He whispered to my belly. "I love you kid."

My eyes teared up. Lately Jack would always rub my belly or kiss it affectionately. Every night he would have a whole conversation with our unborn child. It made my heart swell because I knew how good he'd be once the baby is here.

"We love you." I said holding his hands. I felt so much closer to Jack. He has half of my heart and vice versa. There's nobody I'd rather be with.

I sat on his lap as we ate breakfast together and made conversation about this afternoons task. I couldn't help but grin excitedly.

I looked at the time. Its already 9 a.m and Jack has a meeting with Bart in fifteen minutes on the news about there small tour in California. I hated when he had to leave every morning.

"I'll pick you up at 3:40 then?" He kissed me at the door. I handed him a lunch bag for him and Johnson to snack on at the studio.

"Hurry home." I leaned up to kiss him quickly.

"I'm already missing you." He pouted. I blew him a kiss as he walked to his Jeep and drove off to the studio.

After that I cleaned our house and took a really long shower wishing Jack was with me too. I straightened my hair after a long time of keeping it curly.

Today was a special occasion.

-Jack POV-

After a meeting with Bart and a quick studio sesh with Johnson, I headed home to pick Hannah up. The meeting with Bart was to inform us about the concert in Cali. He told Johnson and I we would be there for a week long. I wanted to object simply because my wife is pregnant. Although she's not due soon I still felt terrible for leaving her alone like this. Bart suggested that she could tag along but I said no. Hannah isn't fit for flights and living out of a suitcase. She's 5 months for god sake.

I hooted for Hannah who came out a second later in really hot leggings that made her butt look great. She had on a white flowy top and a pink cardigans and ballet flats to match.

An Arranged Marriage ❉ j.gΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα