Chapter 27

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*Alyssa's POV*
Sam and Jack are both just laying here with me, barely awake. Jack keeps flinching every time he feels himself falling asleep because he thinks he has to hold up Bella. Little does he know, I'm actually not having any trouble holding her up on my own. Sam moved from the edge of the bed to the chair next to the bed. He pushed it closer to me and curled up onto it. He's been out cold now for the past 20 minutes or so. They're both so cute. And then there's Bella and I. Just laying here, looking into each other's eyes. Smiling at one another. She's just so perfect. It seems like she just gets me without me ever having to say a word.

"Alyssa" the doctor whispers, catching me off guard.

"Hey doc, what's up?"

"I have the rest of your test results. I'd like to go over then with you."

"Oh, yeah of course go ahead."

Jack sits up once he hears what the doctor said. And Sam jumps up like he was just awakened from the dead. I let out a small chuckle.

"Okay well..." the doctor starts.
Jack picks up Bella and they stand next to the hospital bed. Sam grabs my hand.

"It looks like all of your tests have come back normal! There's no reason for us to believe that any brain damage has occurred, which is a miracle quite honestly. And you'll just have to stay here for 2 more weeks until you can prove to us you're strong enough to walk and do other small activities on your own."

"Wow, okay thank you!"

"Babe that's amazing news!" Jack says as he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Okay I just need you to sign a few release forms and I'll leave you guys alone for the rest of the night! You'll probably start therapy in a few days depending on how you feel. Once you can start getting up out of bed, then we'll begin."

"Okay thank you for everything doctor!"

"Happy to help" he says with a smile.
I sign the forms and he heads out.

Jack and Sam are both just staring at me.
"What?" I ask.

"What do you mean what?" Sam asks.

"You guys are just staring at me!"

"Well maybe it's because we thought we'd never see that beautiful face of yours again" Jack replies.

"Oh" I say smiling.

"Hey so listen, I was thinking that maybe I'll take Bella home for the night and you guys can just spend some alone time together" Sam says.

"Sammy that's so sweet of you but I was actually hoping I'd get to spend the night with her tonight. And Jack."

"Oh yeah totally" he says.
I can tell he's a little hurt. It's probably the first night he's spent alone without Bella or Jack around.

"Yeah Sam you should definitely take the night off! You deserve it! You can still go spend the night at Alyssa's if you want. This way if you and I forgot to pack anything, Uncle Sammy can come to the rescue" Jack says.

"Okay sure! Goodnight guys! See you all in the morning" Sam says as he hugs us all goodbye.

Sam leaves and now it's just me, Jack, and Bella.

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