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We got onto the jet, again it was just Joey and I in one jet the others were on the other one.

I sat down on the seat I sat on the first time I was here.

Joey then came up to me and gave me a bottle of water.

"Thank you." I smiled and he did the same.

"So... About your memories. Do you you like remember everything." he asked sitting down on the seat he sat before.

"Like that day we were in Walmart and you ate a pack of skidles so you didn't have to pay." I giggled went the picture came to mind.

"Yipp, you remember." he chuckled and I went up to sit next to him.

I played with his hair and he looked up to me.

We made I contact. He looked from my eyes to my lips and I did the same.

We then kissed for a good 2 minutes.

"It never gets old." I whispered while our foreheads were together.

"What never gets old." he said and I knew he wanted me to detail it.

"This." I said then connected our lips again and he pushed me back so that I was laying on my back while he hovered over me.

He then went of to my neck and left kissed allover.

As much as I wanted this I couldn't let it happen.

He then came back to my lips. He noticed that I wasn't kissing back.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked and put a pice of hair behind my ear.

I just smiled. "Nothing." then connected our lips again.

He then started grinding on me.

"Baby." I moaned and he then sucked on my neck leaving a hicky.

I then thuged on his shirt to take it off but then I stopped it... Again.

"No." I said and he gave me a questioning look.

"It won't feel right." I said and he got off me and sat up.

"What won't feel right?" he asked kinda worried and I cupped his cheek with my one hand.

"It's just I don't want to do this on a jet." I said feeling kinda embarrassed.

He just chuckled then nodded his head. "Couldn't you just say it in a better way instead of making me worried that something is wrong."

"But I also want you." I said in a whisper tone. Because I really wanted him.

Not in me tho.

He smiled and said. "I'll try my best not to take it far."

I nodded then connected our lips again.

2 minutes later (if you read that in a SpongeBob accent, then I love you and we're best friends for life.)

We were just cuddling. Nothing happened tho.

The little bell rang and the door opened to reveal the car we drove in when we came her.

We got out and into the cars it was now 7pm and the sun was just setting.

Joey told the guys to go back to the house.

"So you ready for our date." he asked me and I nodded.

He then started the car and we went of to the beach. (let's go to the beach each let's go getta way ay what they gonna say ay 😂😂😂, sorry I just had to)

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