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Joey and I just got in the car to go to Aaron.

I looked at Joey and he looked at me.

Something was telling me that tonight is going to be a weird night.

Joey took my hand. I'm guessing he saw the worry in my eyes.

"You okay?" he asked cupping my cheek.

I held his hand that was on my face gently and nodded. "Yeah."

He kissed my lips and stared the car.

He drove out of the driveway and we were on the road.

I looked outside the window to the sky and saw it was full moon.

Maybe that's why I'm feeling weird. Weird stuff happen when it's full moon. Right?

I felt a tingle in my skin. I was feeling weird.

I had a thirst for something but I couldn't quite tell what it was.

My eyes were feeling weird, as in they were changing.

My teeth felt sharp.

I was getting scared so I grabbed Joey's hand.

He looked at me but I was looking down because I didn't want him to see.

"Lilly, baby you sure you okay?" he asked slowing down in front of Aaron's house.

I shook my head then looked back to the moon but the clouds were covering in then everything was okay again.

I looked at Joey and nodded.

"I-im fine." I said then he turned his head to take out the keys then I saw a red vain in his neck.

I wanted to bite his neck so bad but I couldn't.

"Joey." I said so that he could look at me.

"What's up." he asked.

"Can we just go in." I said opening my door.

He gave me a weird look then slowly nodded his head. "S-sure."

Joey POV

Lilly was kinda actually weird since she looked at the full moon.

I'm assuming that she is finding her vampire self.

Any questions?

So I've never told you guys but I'm a vampire.

Yeah I know I lead a gang but they are also vampires.

So basically I lead a vampire gang.

I was turned into one when I was 13 I'm now over a thousand years old.

My kind was killed by the strongest witch on this planet.

My gang and now Lilly are the only ones who survived.

Lilly was born a vampire but since her parents are human she never knew she was one till now.

You wondering how I know that? Vampire magic.

"Lilly look at me." I said before she knocked on the door.

She turned around looking me in the eyes then down to her feet.

I lifted her chin up then stepped closer to her.

"You know you can tell me right?"

She hesitanted for a second then sighed.

"When we were in the car I felt some type of way. Like my skin was tingling and my eyes were changing and four of my teeth were sharp." she said pointing to her face.

I thought for a minute. "You're in your thirst week."

She pulled her face backwards with a question look. "Thirst week"

I pulled her with me to the little bench on Aaron's porch.

We sat down and I started. "Your thirst week is were you crave a surten amount of human blood. And it only happens to new vampires. After a while you learn how to control it."

She looked at me focused, listening and taking in what I just said.

"Why didn't I bite you then?" she asked in a soft voice.

I smirked at her then closed my eyes for a split second.

She gasped then admired my purple blue eyes.

"Wow" she said while holding my face.

"You're one too. How come you never told me?" she asked.

I turned my eyes back to normal then looked at her. "I thought you were gonna get scared and leave me."

"Joey, I would never do that, and plus I've always dreamed of dating a vampire."

Lilly POV

He smiled at my stupidness and shook his head.

"But now how do I control myself in there." I said showing to the front door.

"Don't worry, Aaron, Karmen and their children are vampires too" Joey said in a dud tone.

"Wait, what, when did you-"

"Aaron and I plus the Gang were transformed into vampires when we were 13. I know you two were also friends since birth but yeah." he said and I calmed down.

This is just to much for me. I wonder if my parents know that I'm one?

"Does my-" he cut me off again.

"How does he know what I was about to say" I thought to myself.

"No, you were actually born a vampire but since you were adopted by humans you never knew or found out about your vampire self because your real parents weren't there to teach you."

"Oh and we can mind link that's how I know what your going to say." he chuckled.

I pulled my lips in a "o" shape to what he said.

"But where are my real parents?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'll tell you tomorrow about EVERYTHING." he said standing up.

Before he could walk further I pulled him to face me and embraced myself in his arms.

"Joey, promise me you'll help with all this."

He put his hand behind my head and the other one was rubbing my back. "I promise"

I looked up and we smiled to each. "I love you."

"i love you even more." he said and kissed my nose.

We walked inside and I helped Karmen with the setting of the table.

And Joey went outside to help Aaron with the BBQ.

"So Lilly tell me about yourself." Karen smiled putting the plates on the table.

I turned around with a smile on my face and nodded.

"Well I'm 22 years old now, I met Joey when I was 17, I have 3 siblings well my adopted siblings-"

"Adobted" she asked with a suprided expression.

I hesitated before remembering what Joey said about her.

"I just found out that I'm a-"

"Vampire" she finished with a smile on her face.

"How di-."

"I can spell a vampire for a mile away." she giggled and walked to me.

"Did Joey tell you about us." she asked and I nodded.

She feels like a sister to me, something tells me that we'll be close friends.

End continuing in the next chapter.

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