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I'm sorry but here goes nothing

Lilly POV

It's over.

We live in peace.

No evil wich is after us anymore.

Joey was right, everything will be okay after all.

My life has changed a lot and I couldn't be more grateful for it.

I never thought being kidnapped would bring me back to my lover, my everything.

It's been a year now since Lorena passed. And we don't know how it happened but it happened.

"Lilly I need help but Lisa." Joey panicked from the baby room.

You got that right, we have a little family. Again.

I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lisa. She has Joey's beautiful hazel eyes and his face.

She I just 1 month now and we could be more thankful.

Turns out the reason why I had miscarriages last time was because if me not being a full vampire.

So in order for them to have lived I need to be a full vampire too.

"I coming." I yelled walking up the stairs to where baby Lisa was crying.

"She needs her mother." he said and I just laughed knowing what he meant.

I took her in my arm and she calmed down a bit.

"She looks just like you." I said and Joey focused his attention on her.

"But she's as beautiful as you." he complimented and I blushed.

I turned to face him with the baby between us.

"I love you so much Joseph." I said and he closed the space between our lips with a soft, gentle kiss.

"I love you too." he said and gave me one more peck.

"I'm so thankful to have the too most beautiful girls in my life." he said and kissed Lisa's little forehead.

We heard the doorbell ring from downstairs and we both went down.

Joey opened the door while I was walking into the kitchen to get Lisa's bottle.

"Where is my grandchild." my mom said coming into the kitchen.

"Here she  is." I gave her the baby.

The house started getting a little crowded with the everyone coming.

"Lilly." Aaron said embracing me into a hug.

"Aaron long time no see." I said into the hug and we both laughed for no reason at all.

"How's life?" he asked pulling out the hug.

"Better than ever. Where's Karmen and the kids?" I asked and he pointed back where the others were.

"How's Joey doing with Lisa." he asked with a little chuckle at the end.

"Surprisingly very good, he freaks out a lot when it comes to her crying. He's not sure if she's hungry, or she needs a change or she's just in the mood to cry." I giggled remembering the first time we brought her home.

"Other than that he's okay with it." I finished.

Aaron just laughed and walked back outside where the rest of the Gang was.

"Thank God your back, your mom has been asking me when is she getting her next grandchild." Joey said pulling me into a hug.

"Talking about a next child." I started and Joey gave me a little smile.

We have been thinking of getting another baby since I don't want Lisa growing up with no siblings.

"Whenever you're ready baby." he kissed my forehead and took my hand in his and we went to go sit with the family.

We just talked about how everyone was doing and had great fun as a big family

Two year later.

"Mommy tell Matthew to give me my cookie back." Lisa yelled while chasing after he baby brother.

I just laughed and walked into the kitchen where Joey was sitting at the counter.

"Hey babe." he said pulling me towards him.

"Heyo honey." I smiled back and snuggled into his chest.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

And that my life story of being the girlfriend slach wife of a gang leader.


I'm so sorry guys but this book has come to an end.

Sorry that this cook had to end on a shitty chapter but yeah, today I wrote my first test of the exam which was Geography 🙄🙄.

I just wanted to say thank you guys so much for sticking till the end.

I love you guys so fucken much.

Now I'm going to go on with "My Little Farthead" 😂😂hope you guys will love that book too.

I was a pleasure writing for you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Bye my beloved beautiful people...

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