♠ Unknown ♡

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This was the fourth time I stayed the night at Jeremiah's house in 2 weeks and it was starting to grow on me and same for Jeremiah. I even had extra pairs of clothes here and a tooth brush. My body wash was in his shower and my perfume sat on the dresser next to his cologne.

As for work, I couldn't say the same. Our relationship was doing well but at work it had to be strictly professional. My coworkers despised me for that. They obviously knew that something was going down between us and they avoided me at all costs. They left me out of staff parties, casual Fridays and occasional meetings.

This morning was no different. I stayed the night at his house again and forgot to set the alarm on my phone, so I had to rush in order to be at work in time.

"Jeremiah! Get up!" I said, rustling his covers. He flopped over to the other side.

"Noooooo." He groaned and yawned. I stripped down to my birthday suit and hopped into the shower.

After washing up, I hurried out, desperately trying to find an outfit to wear. I fumbled around through the drawers until I found my pink top and black skinny pants with my heels. I went into the bathroom, getting my makeup. I normally didn't use large amounts of makeup except for a little foundation, moisturizer, eyeliner, mascara and lip balm. I applied concealer to my hickeys from last night and was about to head to the kitchen. Jeremiah was already dressed and handsome as ever.

His tie was still undone and I always had to fix it, since he never learned how to tie a tie and had been wearing fake ties for the longest.

"Here." He said, giving me my nutrition shake. I taught him how I liked my morning smoothies so he could make them for me.

"Come on!" I said, putting on my earrings and hurrying to the door.

He tagged along close behind as we made our way to his car. My car was parked in his garage so we went into his BMW.

"Let me have some." Jeremiah said.

I poured some of my smoothie into his mouth.

I looked out my window anxiously, hoping that my coworkers would be a little forgiving.


I always went to work later than Marilyn. She had to be at work real early but I had time.

Working for Marilyn's dad was amazing. He was an awesome guy. We bonded over work. He made lots of money as the CEO of his own company and often let me in on the special treatment he received. Even though I wasn't making as much as Marilyn the job paid okay. I didn't have much money though and had bad credit too, which was another downside of this newborn.

I was extremely nervous about this baby. The due date was drawing closer and closer and I was so scared. Marilyn was excited but I wasnt ready. I would be a father. A dad.

I took a deep breath. Marilyn wanted the wedding to bee pushed back before she was due to deliver the baby. The engagement party was supposed to be in a week and everything was so overwhelming. Marilyn was ecstatic but I just kinda wanted to wait. Everything was coming to a head at once. I wasn't ready for it.


We were in the mall, shopping for me of course. Jeremiah wanted to take me out shopping for some new clothes to leave at his house.

Usually on the weekends we hung out often and today was no exception.

Jeremiah was the type of guy who would shower his girlfriend with gifts and diamonds everyday if I'd let him. But I wasnt that type of girl.

"Mih? [Pronounced= my]

"Yeah?" He responded, turning into Footlocker.

"I was just thinking , why do you try so hard?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You always taking me out shopping, asking me what I want all the time, and practically cuddling me to Death."

He chuckled. "I don't know, I just do that. Isn't that what all girls want?"

"And this is the reason you're single. You let women manipulate you."  I said.

"No. I just like taking care of my lady."

"Well I'm not your lady." I said.

"Not what you was saying last night." He mumbled. I laughed.

"I was playing anyways." I joked.  I looked over to see him looking at a pair of kicks that he wanted.

"I'll buy those for you." I said, taking them and looking at the price tag. "They would look good on you."

He snatched them out my hand. "You're not paying for nothing."

"Why? I owe you."

"No you don't. Why are you acting like the man of the relationship?" He laughed. "Who have you been dating?"

I was about to answer when I heard the buzz of my notifications.

"Hold up." I clicked my phone, getting an email.

Please Join Us to celebrate the engagement of Hakim Williams and Marilyn Dior this weekend at 7:00 pm at Country Manor Hall.
RSVP: 555-858-9590

My heart sank to ground and I got a disgusting feeling in the back of my throat. Tears sprang to my eyes but I quickly wiped them away.

"You want those?" I asked, holding on tight to Jeremiah's waist and leaning on his muscular arm.

"Yeah. But you don't have to pay. I will."


The cashier rang up his sneakers and he paid.

"You wanna get a bite to eat or something?" Jeremiah asked.

"Yeah, how about Chick-Fil-A? Order me a chicken sandwich and vanilla milkshake. I'll go find us a seat."

I sat down and went into my phone, unblocking Hakim and dialing his number.


I was trying to write my vows when my phone rang. I didn't answer it, since it was a blocked number.

I knew I would have to up the anti for this vow. Marilyn would probably be the girl who would make me say my vows again if she didn't like them.

Plus I had to start memorizing them because the wedding was at the end of the month and I was so scared.

I had to take out a loan for the wedding ring and engagement ring because I didn't have enough money saved. Marilyn still loved me though and that's why I cherished her. Ooh. I could put that in my vows.

I only had a little so far.

From the first day i  saw you, I was naturally attracted to your caring and funny personality.

I couldn't think of anything else to write down so I just started jotting down random things from the top of my head without even thinking

You are special
I love you Alicia
I knew I wanted to marry you..
You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen
Glad to call you my wife


What are your opinions on Jeremiah?

How about Marilyn and Hakims wedding?

How many of you guys are going to read my next story after this ends?

Should I do a sequel?

Soooooooooooo many questions lol

-  bellezaMorena

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