♡ Engaged ♡

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"Do you think that I look okay?" I asked, whirling around in the mirror.

"Yeah. Gorgeous." Jeremiah said, mocking me.

I was wearing my black skater cocktail dress and my silver booties with all silver accessories. I put my curly hair into a bun and put my hoops on.

Man, I was nervous.

We had Hakim's engagement party in an hour and I hadn't seen Hakim in ages. Had he changed?

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, then turned around to give Jeremiah a peck on the lips.

"Thanks so much for agreeing to come with me." I said, hugging his waist.

"No problem."

I hurried and grabbed my jacket and MK bag after Jeremiah.

I couldn't stop fidgeting. I had a lump in my throat but I continually tried to hide it. I didn't want to give Jeremiah the wrong idea. I didn't want him to think I had feelings for Hakim.

"Stop jittering Alicia. It's OK." 

Shit. He noticed.

We pulled up to the Country Manor and got out. Immediately looking around, it was extremely sophisticated.

"Do I look good?" I said, smoothing my dress, and grabbing hold of Jeremiah's hand.

"You look fine. You asked me this 5 million times." Jeremiah replied, obviously getting annoyed with me but he wouldn't dare show it.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous."

He didn't reply, we just walked inside.

It was crowded. We were a little bit late so there was only certain spots where we could've sat.


I looked up from my Filet mignon to sip my wine when I spotted the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.


She walked in, holding a taller, darkskinned man's hand. My heart sank at the sight but I ignored my feelings. Today I was moving on in my life no matter what. I was going to be with Marilyn Dior and that was it.

But damn. Alicia was looking right, and the jealousy was there.

She didn't even notice me looking at her and I kinda felt some type of way that she would bring that guy here.

I shook, off the feeling and started a conversation with Jace and Chantel.


"This is a nice place." Jeremiah admired looking around.

"Yeah, I know." I said, clinging to Jeremiah like a magnet. I didn't know anybody else in here and it was good to be able to talk to someone.

"Can I have some of your salmon?" I asked Jeremiah, eyeing his plate.

He plastered a smug look on his face and then nodded his head.

"Thank you Mih." I giggled, taking a bite of his jerk salmon. "Yum." I said, getting another bite.

"Have it. You pretty much ate the whole thing."

He was just playing. Jeremiah would do anything for me and it was amazing to be taken care of instead of having to be a maid all the time.

"Thanks." I said, finishing up his plate. "You want to taste mines? I don't really like it, but you might."  I slid him my plate.

"Welcome everybody!" A loud voice boomed through the speakers , causing me to avert my eyes towards the stage.

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