Chapter 62

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- Chapter 62 -

Things were starting to get back to normal in the castle. Waking up bright and early I stretched in my bed with a small smile on my face as I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face as it beamed in through the window. I felt useful being back within the castle walls, helping Robin to save the King and at the same time I blushed at the thought of how Guy was beginning to show his love for me once again.

Nothing could interrupt my peaceful morning however I could hear Guy's shouts from my room for Allan as I frowned. I guess I spoke too soon, I wonder what mischief today would bring. I smiled brightly at the thought as I had a scented rose bath and got dressed in an elegant red gown that Guy had bought for me recently.

"Good morning my Lady" Sarah greeted as she began braiding my hair into an elegant bun as I smiled back at her.

"Morning Sarah. What is all the trouble this morning?" I asked with a slight frown.

"The Sheriff is missing" She stated as I frowned and almost laughed.

"Missing? The Sheriff?" I asked hoping she was joking as she nodded before leaving once I had dismissed her. My eyes widened as I thought of all the bad things that could result if the Sheriff disappeared, what if word was to be sent to London that he had disappeared. Gulping, I held the edge of my dress and made my way out of my room in search for Guy.

I made my way to the Great Hall as I saw Guy standing under the balcony at one end of the long table looking at the Sheriff's empty throne as Allan came into the room from above.

"Right. He's not been seen in Locksley, Nettlestone or Clun. But there's reports of troop movements heading this way on the North Road." Allan reported as Guy's head dropped as I saw him grip the table before he slammed both hands on the table making me jump slightly.

"No!" He cried out angrily as I made myself known and began walking down the side of the table towards him. I saw him quickly try to conceal his anger as he walked over towards me meeting me halfway down the length of the table as he smiled slightly seeing me in the dress.

"I heard about the Sheriff. Any news?" I asked him as he shook his head.

"Nothing." He responded shaking his head as I sighed.

"What do you think?" I asked him as he sighed shaking his head.

"Well, if the Sheriff hadn't left of his own accord, I would think this was Hood's work." He grumbled as I could see that Guy was struggling to think of any reason why he left. I glanced at Allan over his shoulder and he nodded and turned to wait outside the lower doors as I paced the length of the table then back thinking it over.

"No-no-no-no-no. Hood knows the arrangement between the Sheriff and Prince John. He wouldn't let Nottingham be destroyed." I spoke as I leant against the table as Guy came to stand behind me scoffing as I rolled my eyes. I felt him slightly press his chest against my back as I leant into him slightly.

"Look, on this occasion, I don't think Hood is the problem, but he might be the solution." I thought as I turned towards him placing my hands on his chest as his hands settled on my waist, with a raised eyebrow.


"Well, Robin knows Nottingham and the forest better than any man alive. If the Sheriff is out there—" I began before he cut me off and stormed and sat down in the Sheriff's throne.

"Hood's not going to help us." He growled.

"Well, have you asked him?" I asked as he sternly looked at me as I gulped slightly.

"We do not deal with outlaws!" He nearly shouted as I could see him let out a deep breath controlling his anger as he began to walk down the side of the table opposite to me and out the lower door with me quickly following after him protesting.

"This could be our only hope. If I could get a message to him, if I could bring him here to the ca—" I tried to plead before I silenced my words in realization of what I was saying as I mentally cursed myself. Guy had stopped walking and slowly turned to face me with an evil smirk.

"You... could bring Hood here... to the castle?" He asked me darkly taking a step towards me as I took a small step back to only have him take another as I gulped glancing down a little nervous.

"I think so. Look, he will not want Nottingham razed to the ground, same as you." I whispered making my voice seem uncertain as I dared not look up at him and have him see the truth.

"Very well. Do it." He nodded before he turned to leave as I let out a long breath. Turning I almost jumped to see Allan leaning against the wall in the corridor, watching as I walked over towards him. Slipping off my mother's ring from the chain around my neck I handed it to him as he nodded. It was my way to letting Robin know he was telling the truth. Now we only had to wait.

I spent majority of my time waiting by pacing in the main hall before Guy walked in stiff as a board and sat down angrily into the Sheriff's seat at the head of the table. That was when I knew that Robin and his gang were inside the castle. I could hear Much's complaining voice whining slightly in the background as I held back a smirk and giggle and went to stand in support beside Guy.

Guy was resting his head on his hands, at one end of the long table. He raises his head as he hears brisk, confident footsteps overhead as Robin enters through the upper door with a chuckle at the sight of Gisborne's distressed face. I roll my eyes at Robin's immature behavior as he saw me and sent me a wink as I glared.

"Well... you're a bigger man than I thought, Gisborne....asking your enemy for help in a time of crisis." Robin smugly speaks as he slumps in his chair opposite to Guy playing a distressed figure as I take in a deep breath to Robin's foolish actions. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Guy indignantly glaring at Robin, his lips sealed. I guess I had to do all the work.

"It's your crisis as well, Hood. You know what Prince John will do.... if anything happens to the Sheriff." I state.

"You've searched the castle?" Robin questions.

"Of course we've searched the castle." Guy spat out bitterly through his teeth

"He was seen leaving last night, on horseback... in his nightclothes. Prince John's troops will be here by sundown." I inform Robin of what we know as he rubs his top bottom lip.

"Nottingham and everything in it will be destroyed." Guy added.

"If anyone can find him, it's you. You have people everywhere." I spoke with a slight smirk as I knew that Robin had taken a hold of my meaning. We both watched as Robin thinks a moment, sniffs, leans forward in his chair and stares at Gisborne.

"Go on, then. Ask. Ask me for my help." Robin smugly demanded as I held in my breath as I knew that Robin was treading on water. He knew it too which made me furious as I saw Guy's eyes narrow. I roll my eyes at Robin's arrogance at a time like this.

"Robin..." I sigh giving in before I was interrupted.

"Him." Robin demands pointing to Guy as they both stay silent staring down each other.

"We're wasting our time." Guy growls angrily as he goes to stand before I quickly place my hand firmly on his forearm to prevent him from moving. I felt his arm muscles relax under my touch before he sat back down and was staring up at me.

"Will you help us find the Sheriff?" He asks still looking up at me as I felt myself blush slightly.

"Of course I will. Why else do you think I came?" Robin spoke as he arose from his chair and was already making his way back up the stairs two at a time. As he's ascending the upper half, he glances at me and smiles as I just silently chuckle. I waited to hear the door slam before I turned back to Guy who was still in his seat.

"Thank you." I whisper with a soft smile as he sighs.

"It better work! This is...."

"We both know that Robin will find him faster than we would. Even if you don't want to admit it he maybe our only hope. If the Sheriff is in the forest then Robin will find him." I inform him quickly to let him see reason. We needed Robin's help!

"I will go see if Jasper may be swayed to give us more time." Guy informed as he stood and placed a soft kiss on my cheek before leaving by the side door.

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