Chapter 69

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- Chapter 69 -

It has been weeks since we had left England and I was currently sitting in the Sheriff's cellar in the Holy Land waiting. I was dressed in a plain white dress sitting on a simple bed with my left wrist chained with the chain connected to a ring in the wall beside me. The only company I got was Guy when he brought me food and water, we talked quietly, he would give me a soft embrace and gentle kiss, though I knew he was guarded by his posture towards me.

There is a small table by the stairs and a few scattered boxes and barrels as company. A small grated window is in the far wall. Guy comes downstairs with a bowl in his hands and this time I don't look at him as I could hear him set down the bowl on the table.

"Food. You should eat." He flatly spoke as the longer we remained here, the more his affections became none existent.  

"Guy, listen to me. Now that Robin is dead, you are the King's last chance. If you save him from this plot, he will reward you with position and wealth. You'll have everything you wanted." I finally whisper making sure not to be too loud as we could hear the Sheriff laughing and talking upstairs as I stood turning to him.

"And saving him from this plot, how would that work?" He questioned in a low whisper.

"Kill the Sheriff. The King will reward you. And..... and I will reward you." I whispered coming closer to him.


"If you save the King... I will willingly give you my hand." I promised. I would have given it to him anyways since I knew he was going to ask me before we left Nottingham. But maybe if I told him I would marry him it would persuade him further. I could see him swallow and desire flood his eyes as I reached up to my toes and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away.

I saw his eyes darkened as his hands wanting to pull me closer but the Sheriff's voice brought us back to reality as he quickly left me alone once more in the cellar. Sitting glumly on the bed, my shoulders resting against the wall I could hear voices echoing outside, but can't make out any words at first.

"I've got a funny feeling... I just didn't want to say anything." A muffled voice began as I frowned. That sounded like Much's voice but it couldn't be could it?

"I've got things on my mind. Esme, Esme..." Another muffled voice spoke as my heart jumped. Robin?

"Esme... Esme... Esme... Esme...Esme... Esme... We will get her back... Esme... Esme..." My voice kept coming muffled as I looked towards the window and quickly draw towards it. I struggled because of my chain as I went on my toes to look out into the street only to see nothing. One of the last echoes of my name sounds vaguely like the Sheriff 's voice, and I exasperatedly shake my head, tired of hearing the voices. Who was I kidding, it wasn't them.

"Get a grip, Esme. Robin's dead." I whispered sadly to myself as I shuffle back to the bed and sits on it, too overwhelmed to cry. It seemed like hours and since I had no sense of time in the cellar it might have been before Guy began to descend back down the stairs as I quickly turned to him.

"Have you thought about what I said? You are a decent man, Guy. You're not a killer. Turn against the Sheriff." I beg as he quickly turns his head around placing a finger to his lips towards me as we both quickly fall silent.

"This is your chance... your last chance to be a good man. I know you are good Guy" I whispered desperately.  I watched as Guy turns around and goes upstairs without saying a word as I sigh defeated. I secretly hoped he would listen to me, but then I had no idea how this would turn out. I strained desperately near the door hoping to hear anything. Footsteps, cry in pain. Anything but I heard nothing as I let out a breath in defeat and returned back to my bed to wait.

Eventually I could hear someone come downstairs and I slowly turn around, hoping to see Guy but my heart drops when I see that it's the Sheriff with a half-eaten chicken leg in his hand. Guy didn't kill him, he chose the Sheriff over me but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. My heart sank further in my chest as I turned away from him once more.

"Good chicken. I owe you a debt of gratitude, young lady. Thanks to you, I know that Guy is loyal." He chuckled towards me as I refused to turn until I felt something hit my bottom as I turned sharply glaring at the Sheriff to see he had thrown his drumstick at me. He gave me a cheeky grin chuckling evilly as I snarled at him in return. Who cares about manners now! I certainly don't.

"Because... if you can't turn him with your pretty little head, then nobody can." He smirked as though he had won as I let my face grow a harsh feature and growl at him as I saw him take a step backwards in surprise and shock, that a lady, ME for a fact could be so vicious towards him. I wasn't the angel he thought I was.

"One day it will be your own doing that will get you killed Sheriff. They way you treat people. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future it was Guy who delivered the fatal blow." I snarled darkly with warning as he raised an eyebrow trying to look unimpressed, though I knew I had gotten him worried.

"Well unlike you missy. I know how to keep him on a tight leash." He snapped as I rolled my eyes. Oh he had him on a leash alright, a leash which I knew was starting to snap!

"Your heart... must be the coldest place on earth." I hissed as he shrugged with a grin. This man was revolting!

"Are you a little disappointed that he told me about your offer? I'm surprised it took you so long, to be quite honest with you. I mean, I was really getting rather bored. Robin Hood did not die in Nottingham." He droned on as I slowly sink to sit on the floor, disconcerted with the revelation, until hearing the news about Robin made my head snap up in his direction as he continued to pick at his teeth.

"Did you know this? Huh? Well then... just as a treat, you can die together. This is good." He chuckled as I watched him leave. As he left one of his men walked into the room and tightly and began to tie my wrists with the rope as I winced.

"Get ready Dearie" His voice cackled as I went to scream in fear only to feel something pierce into my neck. My voice froze as I felt a thick serum seep into my body as my eyes began to close. The only thought on my mind is the prospect of seeing Robin again, and perhaps even a rescue.

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