Chapter 96

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- Chapter 96 -

I stayed behind at the camp with John getting the men all settled with some food and water whilst it poured outside. Raindrops still crept through the weaved roof, but it was better than nothing. The others went back to Locksley with food and water for the women and children to get them by. I noticed Guy, Tuck and Robin having a heated private discussion as I walked over towards them.

"What's going on?" I asked as I saw Robin holding a silver piece of a broken locket.

"It's part of Isabella's locket" Guy whispered to me keeping quiet to ensure that we didn't panic anyone. The last thing we needed was for the men we rescued to think that the camp wasn't safe.

"How did that get here?" I asked as they all frowned shaking their heads.

"We don't know. If it's not Gisborne's, then whose is it?" Robin questioned as I started to have a bad feeling sink into my gut. The only way that could get here was either if someone was in league with Isabella or it was planted. Robin carelessly tosses the locket onto his bunk where it partly slips under a fur. I watched as the men disappeared before I went back to Robin's bed and found the broken locket. Robin may be trusting of those around him, but something like this shouldn't be left out in the open. Grabbing the jeweled piece I excused myself down to the river before I dropped it in, watching it sink and float away I calmly made my way back to camp.

Seeing Guy pacing slightly made my heart pound as I started to feel concerned about what was to come. Something big was about to happen. I could feel it. Taking an uneasy breath I stormed up to Guy and gave him a firm kiss, taking him by surprise. He was quick to regain his balance as we both pulled away to get air.

"What was that?" He smiled down at me.

"Marry me" I whisper


"Marry me. Now. I don't want to wait. I don't know what tomorrow will bring" I whisper desperately as he seemed shocked before he smiled. Giving me one last kiss he disappeared towards Robin causing me to frown. What was going on?

"Robin?" I asked him as he came towards me with a cheeky grin.

"We're going for a walk" He smiled looping my hand through his and pulling me away from the camp.

"A walk?"

"Yes" He smiled as I wondered if he had hit his head.

"Are you ill?" I asked before he roared with laughter. The walk he took me on was long and pointless. Hearing a human made birdcall that sounded like it was from John made Robin turn around and pull me back in the direction of camp. Are we past the clearing and turned the corner I froze unable to believe what I was seeing. It was beautiful. The camp had been cleaned up and lined with white and pink flowers everywhere making it a sea of pink and white. A pathway had been lined with flower petals as if to create the aisle in a church, where Tuck and Guy stood under an archway waiting.

"Robin" I whispered as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze and placed a kiss on my forehead. We didn't need music as Robin handed me over to Guy. The smile etched on my face couldn't be happier. I could hardly care about the latin Tuck spoke as Guy and I couldn't stop smiling at each other. We paused for a moment when Tuck asked Guy for a ring and I saw Robin pat his shoulder before handing him a gold-jeweled band. I slipped onto my finger perfectly as Guy and I kissed to seal our wedding. The camp roared in applause as I felt tears of joy slipping down my cheeks.

"You did all this?" I asked him as he nodded kissing each tear.

"I wanted this to be perfect" He whispered as I hugged him tightly.

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