Chapter 82

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- Chapter 82 -

I awoke with a pounding to my head, as I felt restricted. Gathering my surroundings I noticed that I was currently tied up to a base of the tree in the camp. Smoke was dying from an old fire as I glanced up at the canopy and guessed it must be about mid afternoon, so I should expect to be alone for a while yet. Grumbling at the itchy ropes against my skin my head perked up to the sound of angry footsteps coming this way. I was really getting sick of being knocked out and thrashed around. I mean really!

"It's can't be true! I refuse to believe it's true!" I heard Robin shouting over and over again as I raised an eyebrow and let my head hit the base of the tree. What's happened in Nottingham now that has Robin all worked up. When the gang realized I was awake Robin's eye were full of pain and anger as he leapt towards me and ripped me away from the ropes.

"ROBIN!" They call cried out to stop him as he held me by my neck against the tree slowly squeezing it, his eyes demanding questions as I instinctively clawed at his hands.

"TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!" He roared as half the gang ripped him away as I fell to the ground coughing and wheezing for breath. Tuck bowed down beside me to help to my feet and keep me level as I saw the betrayal in his eyes when he realized that the gang was protecting me from him.

"What is going on!" He angrily ordered, as everyone remained silent and looked at me. I was lost for words, I had no idea how to even explain this situation to him as he very slowly began to walk towards me. The others cautiously following behind as he suddenly pounced once again causing us both to tumble downwards as I felt him rip away my mask and my hood fall down. I ensured to turn away as I heard the fight he put up with against the others.

"WHO ARE YOU!" He screamed at me as I flinched and let silent tears stream down my face before I rose to my feet.

"Wolf you don't have to" Tuck began to say before I cut him off by raising my hand. Very slowly I turned to Robin so he could see my terrified state as I saw the others slowly letting him go. Tears burst down his cheeks as neither of us said anything or moved unaware that the gang had left us to be alone.

"This isn't real. This is witchcraft!" He bitterly spat as I let out a strangled cry.

"If you won't believe it's me I doubt Guy will" I choked as his eyes softened for a bit before shaking his head as he cried harder.

"Robin!" I cried out for him as I went to step forward as he flinched and leapt backward as though I would burn him.

"ESME DIED! My sister died in my arms! This is witchcraft" He cursed as I smiled slightly thankful he had recognized me as his sister.

"Robin please believe it's me. I am real! Touch me and feel the warmth of my skin!" I pleaded holding out my hand to him as he winced through his tears shaking his head once more.

"This is just a trick! If you were really Esme you would have come back to me!" He cried out as I hung my head.

"You needed to fight for England. I could do more inside the castle and possessing power over Prince John! I was doing my duty to England!" I cried out to defend myself as he scoffed.

"AND WHAT OF YOUR DUTY TO ME!" He growled out in defense.

"I kept you and Guy safe. I did my duty in protecting the two who I care most about!" I whispered calmly as he kicked at the ground like a child.

"Prove it" He muttered as I frowned.


"Prove to me you're my Esme. Prove you're the woman who died in my arms in the Holy Land!" He nodded seeing sense as I gave a weak smile.

"What did she say to me? What did she make me promise!" He demanded

"I got you to promise me that you would keep fighting. I never got to ask you my second promise." I informed him as I could see him hesitate before looking at me as though to continue.

"I wanted to get you to promise me you wouldn't kill Guy but even then I knew that would never happen" I laugh through my sobs.

"Esme?" He whispered and slowly began to walk towards me and gently caresses my face and wiped away my tears. Realizing I was real he clutched both sides of my face gently and placed a massive kiss on my forehead before engulfing me into a tight embrace. I smiled laughing as he cried out happily and spun me around like he always did.

"Robin your making me sick" I laugh as he suddenly stopped spinning and set me on my feet but kept his arms around me to keep me steady. He swung his arm over my shoulder as we made our way back towards the camp where we knew the gang would be waiting for us.

"So you and Kate huh?" I tease as he blushes a bright red and ruffles my hair causing me to laugh aloud.

"I'm happy for you Robin and I hope she makes you happy. Otherwise I will fulfill the same threat you placed upon Guy" I warned as he kissed my forehead with a smile.

"I've missed you so much" He whispered warmly as the rest of the gang saw us and smiled. Kate however looked jealous by the proximity between Robin and I as I shook my head chuckling.

"Now what cause you all so upset that made you nearly choke me?" I question as suddenly the light in Robin's eye died.

"The King is dead."

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