Chapter 98

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- Chapter 98 -

Danger is brewing outside the city walls, the fire glow from the Sheriff's camp made me uneasy. Drawing my attention away from the window I smiled at Guy who was lying on the bed, without a shred of clothing.

"Come back to bed Esme" He whispered as I smiled before returning to my husbands side. I felt like my body was on fire when his body pressed against mine. The gang had been kind enough to ensure we could have the evening alone together as newlyweds and it has been one of the best nights of my life. Snuggling deeper into his embrace Guy brushed my hair out of the way to pepper my body with kisses.

"If I had my way you'd never leave this bed again" He whispered huskily as he gently rolled so that he was hovering over me. I let my fingers play in his hair before pulling him down for a desperate kiss. I couldn't get enough of Guy and as his fingers continued to explore my body again I was glad he felt the same. Suddenly hearing commotion over the ear and explosions in the distance we pulled apart. Dashing back to the window I could see in the distance the Sheriff's camp going up in flames.

"He was never going to wait till morning. What's going on?" I muttered as Guy came and stood behind me watching it all unfold.

"They did it" He whispered causing me to frown.

"Did what? Guy?" I turned staring up at him.

"Robin and a small number of men went to go and attack the camp" He told me causing my eyes to widen.

"Idiot, but I must admit it's bought us some time"

"Promise me something"

"Anything" I whisper in response.

"Promise you will stay safe and as far from danger tomorrow" He begs as I sigh heavily.

"Guy" I sigh but he shakes his head and reaches for the two goblets of wine before handing one to me. I lift the drink to my lip but once the liquid touches my tongue, it tasted funny. Not causing any alarm as I could see Guy watching me, not touching his goblet, I slowly and quiet spit the contents from my mouth back into the goblet. Pretending to swallow I place the goblet down. Whatever it was that was in the goblet was too strong to go undetected in taste, but it was enough that even a mouthful made me grow dizzy.

"Guy, what have you done" I slur before I see him triple in my vision before it all goes black. I awoke to the sound of battle going on outside. I felt dizzy at first but my senses soon snapped into attention. Reaching for my clothes and sword I tied my hair away from my face before I bolted down towards the castle courtyard.

"Barricade the portcullis!" Robin shouted as I saw the Sheriff's army pulling away from the castle gate.

"What happened!" I shout gaining everyone's attention.

"They've taken the city, Esme the King isn't coming" Robin warned as I frowned and began to grow concerned. Without reinforcements we had no hope.

"What do you mean he isn't coming" I ask quickly.

"He's been captured by Leopold of Austria and they want two hundred and fifty thousand crowns. The troops at Loughborough won't fight unless Richard leads them." Robin informed as I saw Guy hovering in the background looking like a child whose been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I was fuming with him and I knew I would have to deal with him later. Glancing around I could see the men were exhausted as one old man sits down for a rest. A few of the others gathered the injured and carried them into the great hall. Sighing I prayed to God for a miracle, otherwise we were doomed.

As we waited I made my way into the great hall to see if I could be of any help to Tuck who had created a working station in the middle of the hall. He was experimenting with oil and other ingredients trying to make Byzantine fire.

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