Chapter 85

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Sorry to make you wait so long. I have had a bit of a writer's block but a massive shout out and thanks to Mariadks. She has helped me decide on the big reveal coming up so stay tuned. Please vote and comment I would greatly appreciate your input. xxx

- Chapter 85 -

I kept an eye on Isabella as she quickly adapted being Sheriff of Nottingham and wrote false reports to the Prince on her treachery against his crown. I used my secret passages in the walls of the castle to ensure that Guy was well fed and watered. I hated seeing him locked away in one of the castle cells in the dungeons and was extremely thankful that Isabella hadn't decided to torture him.

I kept Robin up to speed with everything happening in the castle as well as what the Prince was informing me regarding his brother and I knew I needed to reveal myself to Guy soon if he would trust me to help him escape from the castle dungeons. Part of me was extremely excited to know we could finally be together once again, yet I grew worried of his reaction and how he would take it. I knew he had taken my death very hard and blamed himself for it.

It was an average day in Nottingham town when the Sheriff Isabella decided to have a court hearing on the castle steps for the whole of the marketplace to hear. It was a dangerous move on her part; it would show the people what she is made off. I know that it's not sugar and spice and all things nice.

At the top of the steps, Isabella's high-backed chair sits flanked by guards. A young lady prisoner stands at the bottom, a guard holding her tied hands. Around the platform, with four gallows set up ready, the townsfolk gather to watch.

"Meg Bennett, the Sheriff 's Court has heard of your disobedience to your father... and your refusal to accept any suitors he chose for you." The Sheriff spoke out as I stood beside her chair on the left with my hand on my sword watching out trying to spot Robin.

"Lady Sheriff, one was a drunken sot, the second looked like a donkey, and the—the third was a halfwit with the brains of a tree." Meg spoke as the crowd chuckles at her responses before a man near the guards on the steps limps forward.

"You little wretch!" he cried only to have Isabella holds her hand up at the man and a guard pulls him back to keep him quiet. I took this moment to actually get a good look at Meg as he kept her head down in submission refusing to look up at the Sheriff. She had fiery red hair and wore a tattered purple gown.

"Please! And the fourth, you apparently bribed to go back to York with money you stole from your father." Isabella added with a raised eyebrow.

"He was a mummy's boy! What use is that?" She cried out in disgust causing the crowd to laugh. Even I managed a chuckle at her accusation which I am sure was very much true.

"Meg, tell the court why you acted in such a deplorable fashion." I saw Isabella ask with a smirk on her lips as I could tell Meg was gaining some confidence as she held her head high against those who gave her disgusted looks.

"Because I won't accept anyone telling me how to live my own life! I don't want to marry. Men are so... stupid!" Meg fiercely snapped out to the entire crowd as I struggled to contain in my laughter. I was able to hide it by coughing as the crowd began to uproar at her answer.

"Quiet!" Isabella roared over the crowd as it slowly seemed to grow silent.

"I think England would be a much better place if women were in charge." Meg proudly spoke once more as I crossed my arms over my chest and took a slight defensive position as the crowd began to roar angrily. It grew uneasy as I glanced at Isabella, as she seemed to be contemplating what Meg had been saying. I wouldn't let a riot form over a simple girl refusing to marry. Fair enough I was lucky that my father didn't force me, except in Guy's direction which I am very pleased for.

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