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Derek brought the cheeseburgers to the table and talked quietly with Zoey as he prepared it the way she liked it. He watched her glance to him as she grabbed the cheeseburger with both hands and greedily munched on it, her grip was tight as if she thought he was going to rip it from her fingers.

"Woah there..." Derek said softly as he shook his head. "Don't eat so fast, you're going to get a tummy ache..." He warned as she pulled the cheeseburger from her lips and looked at him blankly. "Small bites... enjoy it..." He said as she took a tiny bite from the cheeseburger and munched it while she watched him. "There you go..." He said. His voice was soothing and soft, and she watched him as she ate slower. "You don't want a tummy ache, right?" He asked as she shook her head slowly. Her eyes were wide and worry filled as she ate the cheeseburger, her grip remaining tight on it, her fingers punching holes in the roll as she held so tightly to it.

She continued to watch him as she ate the cheeseburger, her eyes going to the remaining cheeseburger on the plate. Derek had made himself two and her one, thinking that it'd be enough to satisfy her hunger, but by the look on her face, he could see that she wanted that second cheeseburger just as much as she had wanted the first. "You're still hungry?" He asked as she looked up at him and nodded. Her tiny tongue ran its way across her top lip as she looked back at the third cheeseburger. "You want that last one, huh?" He asked, watching her nod her head. "Why don't I... cut it in half, and you can have one, and I'll have the other. Her eyes looked up at him as he said this, and he could see that she wanted the whole thing. "I don't want you to get a tummy ache."

"I'm so hungry..." She whimpered as she stared at the cheeseburger. He was surprised by her admission, the sad, solemn way in which she spoke, as if she hadn't eaten in weeks. He reached across and pushed the cheeseburger toward her, watching as she smiled softly and grabbed it quickly from the plate, taking a big bite out of it. She looked up at Derek and smiled through the bun and burger. "Fanks you..." She mumbled as the crumbs of the roll slid down her face onto the plate, her lips making a satisfying sound as she ate. He watched her curiously as she ate, and he finished his own cheeseburger.

When they were both through eating, Derek watched as she stood up directly and grabbed her plate, walking toward the sink. "Where are you going, Zoey?"

"I have to put this plate in the sink and wash it." She said, glancing back to Derek.

"You don't have to wash your plate." Derek said, standing up, he lifted his own plate and his cup and walked toward the sink.

"Yes, I have to wash it and dry it and put it away." She nodded as she looked around near the sink. "Don't you have a step up?"

"A step up? Sweetheart... don't worry about it..."

"No... no, I have to..." She whimpered. "If I don't clean my plate, then I don't get dinner tomorrow..." She whined as she tried desperately to reach the faucet. "I have to do it, Just Derek... please.... Please let me wash my plate, I want to have dinner tomorrow... I need to have dinner tomorrow!" She exclaimed as she started to cry, jumping and trying desperately to reach the sink. "Please!"

"Zoey..." Derek exclaimed as he lifted her up. He took the plate from her hand and set it in the sink as he carried her away from the sink.

"No! No, Just Derek! I need to do it!"

"Zoey... Zoey, stop... just stop for a minute... come on..." Derek whispered as she tried to struggle away from him. "Zoey, please?" He pleaded as she eventually stopped wiggling in his arms, though held her arm out toward the sink. "You are going to eat dinner whether or not that plate gets cleaned today, tomorrow or next week, Zoey..." Derek whispered. "You're never going to have to go without dinner." He whispered into her hair. "Do you understand me?" He asked. She paused as he waited. "I want you to repeat after me... okay? I want you to say... 'Just Derek loves me...' He said to her as he held her.

Her weight was heavy in his arms as he held her tightly, her eyes still on the sink as she refused to move. "Zoey... say it...please? Say 'Just Derek loves me...'" He whispered. "Just say it once..."

"Just...Derklvsme..." She mumbled together as he held her.

"Just Derek loves you, Zoey..." Derek whispered. "Just Derek loves you and he's going to make sure that you eat dinner every night... and that you have breakfast every morning... and he wants you to smile... every day... and hear your laugh, because it makes him happy...Zoey...I love you." He whispered as he kissed her hair again.

"Ilveyewjustdrk..." She mumbled as she lifted her head to look into his eyes. He swung her down to the floor and crouched down to look into her eyes.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. He watched her nod as she sighed. "Do you know what Just Derek likes to do when he's feeling sad, or worried, or lonely?" He whispered. She shook her head no as she watched his eyes. "He likes to go outside... after his dinner... and sit out on his swinging bench... cover up in a warm blanket and wait for the stars to come out..." He said softly. "Are you feeling sad... or worried... or lonely?" He asked softly as he watched her eyes stare worriedly into his.

"Yes." She whispered.

"Would you like to... sit out on the swinging bench with me?" He asked, nodding toward the back porch as he watched her chew her bottom lip.

"Can we bring a blanket?" She whispered.

"Of course..." He shook his head. "Would you like to sit out there with me?" He asked, watching her nod. "Alright..." He said softly as he reached his arms out. She stepped forward into them and hugged him tightly, letting him lift her up as she cuddled into his neck. Her eyes looked toward the sink one more time as Derek started walking toward the sliding glass doors. "Don't worry about those dishes..." He whispered as he kissed her cheek and grabbed the small blanket that was on the bench beside the door. He shook it out and wrapped it around her as he stepped out onto the porch and carried her with him, sliding it closed as he held her to him trying his damnedest to reassure her that everything had changed for the better.

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