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Derek walked down the hallway quickly, his eyes glance to his watch as he finds himself surprised how little time it took him to get there. He walked down the hallway and he could hear her voice loudly, angry and insistent.

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" She exclaimed as he listened to something crash to the floor in the room.

"Jesus Christ, Meredith, what are you doing?" He mumbled to himself as he walked around the corner into the room. She held a bedpan in her hand above her head as she swung her hand. "Meredith, No!" Derek exclaimed as she stopped herself from swinging it, and Izzie stand across the room ducking from what she thought was an impending crash. Meredith had impeccable aim, and it wouldn't be the first time that she had been in the way of one of her fits.

"Thank god you're here! Tell her to stop this!" Izzie exclaimed as Meredith swung the bed pan through the air, listening to it hit the ground with a loud clang as she swung her hand back and forth reaching for something else.

"Meredith... Meredith this is enough!" Derek exclaimed as he reached the bed and felt her struggling beneath him. "Meredith... Stop this!" He exclaimed.

"NO!" She exclaimed as she pulled her arm from him, she reached her hand down to her unmoving paralyzed hand and grabbed hold of her IV. "No!" She exclaimed

"Meredith, stop!" Derek exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and held it down on her IV, her eyes were filled with rage as she stared at him angrily. "Stop it, Meredith..." he whispered as she continued to stare him in the eyes, a fire was burning deeply within them, a strong and unbreakable frustration was developing deep within her vision. "Stop it, Meredith." He whispered. "Please... please, stop this." He said softly as he felt her hand loosen slightly on her IV. "Please..." He said as she suddenly pulled her hand out from beneath his and smacked him across the face with her wrist, sending him backwards.

"NO!" She screamed as she grabbed for her feeding tube, nestled beneath her hospital gown, she held it tightly in her grasp as she growled at him. "NO!" She shouted.

"That is enough!" Derek exclaimed. "How in the hell can you ever expect to get custody of your daughter if you act like a goddamned animal, Meredith!" Derek exclaimed desperately as he watched her eyes widen suddenly as she stared into his face. "Oh... shit..." He whispered. "Meredith..." he whispered. "Meredith, I'm sorry..."

"No." She whispered. "No... No..." She said again and again as she shook her head and tears fell from her eyes. "No. No." She whispered as she released her hand from the feeding tube and closed her eyes. "No." She whimpered again.

"Meredith... Meredith... please... please look at me." He whimpered as she turned her head from him. "Meredith... please."

"No." she said softly. "No."

"Meredith... look at me." Derek whispered as he touched her cheek, making her face turn to look at him as he felt her tears, hot on his hand. "Meredith..." He whispered.

She blinked as she swallowed, her eyes falling to her paralyzed hand as she looked straight into his eyes.

I don't want to see you anymore, Derek.

She blinked as she closed her eyes and began to cry, turning her head from him, balling her hand as best as she could, she refused to look at him as she began to cry, leaving him stunned and silenced as he stood above her bed.

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