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Derek woke to the poking of two little girls who were eager to get the day started. "DD... DD, wake up... it's time for you to wake up..."

"It's time for you to go back to sleep..." Derek muttered as he covered his head with a pillow and waited a moment as he felt them climb onto the bed.

"Uncle DD... it's time to get up..." Sammy said as she climbed on her uncle's back and sat on him, rolling back and forth as Zoey tried to pull the pillow off his face.

"DD, we have to go see mommy... you promised her you'd go see her today."

"I know what I promised." Derek replied as he rolled over slightly, rolling his niece onto the bed as Zoey hopped to the side and laughed as Sammy tipped over. "You don't think I know what I promised?"

"I know you keep promises, DD." She said as she crawled over his chest and kissed his nose. "Now get up, you lazy sack of bones..." She said as she rolled off Derek and jumped on the bed as she and Sammy jumped off the bed and ran out the door together.

Derek rolled off the bed and rubbed his eyes, pulling the blanket onto the bed he yawned as he stood up, stretching a full stretch, he listened to the pounding of the two girl's feet go running down the stairs. He sighed as he shook his head, and walked toward the stairs. He stepped down the stairs slowly and listened to the girls giggling in the kitchen as Sarah talked to them and he stepped into the kitchen slowly. His sister's attention was immediately brought to her brother as he yawned gain and scratched the back of his head.

"Nice hair..." She teased as she watched him immediately run his hands through his messy mop of hair, smoothing it down as the four girls giggled.

"Thanks..." He muttered as he gave her a half smile, his hands still rubbing through his hair as he glanced to the three girls. "What are you waiting for?"

"Breakfast." Zoey replied. "Silly, dilly..." She giggled.

"Is she allergic to anything?" Sarah asked as she turned her head to Derek, who shrugged.

"I don't know."

"Don't you think that her allergies would be something you'd need to know?"

"She hasn't broken out in welts, or stopped breathing on my watch... and she eats everything, so I don't think you have anything to worry about." Derek replied. Sarah rolled her eyes and turned back around toward the stove as she continued to cook. "What are you making anyway? They can have cereal, you know."

"I know... but cereal isn't good for them... all you have is sugar packed fruity rings... and Muesli... two sides of the spectrum, and I wouldn't give my kids either one." She said as she made a disgusted face.

"Thank you for questioning my parenting skills."

"It's no problem." Sarah said with a smile as she continued to cook. Suddenly, the phone on the counter across the room began to ring, and Derek walked to it quickly. He flipped it open and watched his sister watch him. "Shepherd." He said into the line as he immediately smiled, turning away from his sister. "What do you want this early in the morning? It's my week off... What do you want? What? Seriously...?" He asked as he swallowed hard and glanced to his sister. He then sighed softly. "I'll be right there... Just... don't worry, I'll be right there. No... No don't do that... just... just wait for me." He said as he hung up the phone and looked to his sister. "Sarah, I..."

"Go on." She said as she nodded toward the door.

"You don't mind?"

"I don't mind... I don't have anything to do today anyway. I don't mind one more little one to look after."

"Thank you so much!" Derek exclaimed as he started for the door.

"DD! You can't go! You promised you'd take me to see Mommy!" Zoey exclaimed as she jumped from the barstool and ran toward Derek with a concerned look on her face as Derek turned to meet her eyes.

"I promised... and we'll go... Don't worry, I won't be long." He said as he leaned down and kissed her nose. "Now you be a good girl for Aunt Sarah."

"I'll be a good girl." She said as she sighed softly. "You be a good boy."

"I will... I promise." Derek said softly as he watched her run for the chair as he ran upstairs to get changed.

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