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Derek continued to stare at her, thinking for a moment that his eyes must be deceiving him. He couldn't speak, he could hardly breathe.

Now who can't talk?

Meredith continued to stare at him, her eyes slightly blurry but she could make out his shape, his hair, his crystal blue eyes. Her eyes closed for a moment.

"No." Derek said, moving swiftly forward toward her as her eyes closed, frantic that her eyes opening was only a reflex, he held his breath until her eyes opened again.

Picky...I have my eyes closed for so long... and now you're being bossy when I want to rest them.

"Don't close your eyes." He whispered. "You have beautiful eyes... don't ever close them." He said, his voice breathless and soft, the sound of surprise still evident in his words.

Doctor Shepherd, if I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were flirting with me.

Derek watched her with a fascinated stare, his eyes were so bright, so wide, she was becoming lost in the deep pools of his irises, diving into the blackness as if she would never return. Her eyes darted from one eye to the other, unable to stop taking in the sight of him. She blinked, trying to clear the cloudiness from her eyes as she watched him stare into her eyes.

You're more handsome then you sound.

"You have absolutely no idea who I am." He stated, his eyes showing a bit of disappointment.

You're Just Derek.

"It's alright if you don't know who I am... I mean... I just... Meredith... can you hear me?" He whispered as he reached for the penlight on the table beside the bed. "What the hell am I talking about, you can't answer me..." He whispered as he turned the penlight on.

Oh please... don't shine that in my eyes...

He shines the flashlight in her eyes, watching as her pupils dilated slowly, the light bouncing from the reflective crystal colors of her eyes, her eyelid flicking closed. "You don't like that..."

No... I told you not to do it...

"I'm sorry..." He said softly, genuinely. "I should page Cristina... she's not going to believe this..." He whispered.

Right... right, get Cristina...she's going to help... Derek, she's not going to do anything. She's just going to say that this is a reflex. I still can't move at all. Can't you just stay with me for a little while...please?

Derek began to pull his hand from hers and realized the slight hold she had on his hand, he glanced down to his hand and watched her fingers curl around his tightly. "You don't want me to get Cristina?" He whispered.

She'll come back... she'll come back when she realizes you didn't go see your patient. Please... just stay with me. Stay with me and let me look at something. It's been far too long... don't make me beg.

"I can stay here..." He whispered, knowing that his resolve wasn't as strong as he wished it could be, he was a sucker for the beautiful woman staring up at him. "I can stay here with you..." He whispered as he looked up at the monitors. Her brain activity was soaring, her heart rate was strong. "You're really falling off the charts over here..." Derek said as he slowly released her hand, glancing at the monitors. "We should really get you some tests..."

They're not going to do any tests...

"Cristina says they won't do any tests... but this is a breakthrough... this is... remarkable." He whispered as he watched her eyes follow him around the room.

Well, I'm just a remarkable person... and very modest, I might add... Sarcasm is a lonely sport.

She could feel the excitement in his voice, the happiness in his touch as he sat down beside her again and took her hand in his. "Zoey is going to be so excited." He whispered.

My baby... Derek, go get my baby...I want to see her for more than just a moment. I want to see her smile, not just feel it.

"I have to get Zoey, Meredith... this is just... this would be selfish of me if I didn't tell her right now." He whispered as he stood up, letting her hand slip from his as she followed him with her eyes. He lifted the phone from the receiver in the room and never let her eyes leave his. "Hey, this is Doctor Shepherd... can you page Cristina Yang to room 422? It's an emergency...Thank you." He whispered as he hung the phone up and walked back toward the bed. He sat down beside Meredith again, scooping her hand into his as he smiled a sideways smile. "Hello." He whispered as he looked down at her, noting for just a moment that her eyes brightened. "It is nice to finally meet you." He swallowed as he smiled, feeling her hand move slightly in his as she attempted to hold it in hers.

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