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Derek walked with Zoey to her classroom, leaning down to her level, she gave him a kiss on his cheek and rubbed his hair before turning and disappearing into the room. He breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up straight and another couple of children ran quickly past him. He swallowed a bit hard as he was about to turn, he heard a voice behind him.

"Looks like you're doing a little better today." The woman's voice was cheerful and happy as Derek turned around and smiled.

"Her or me?" Derek said with a chuckle as he glanced back to the door. "Yeah, I'm doing much better now." He nodded as he smiled at her as she lifted her cup of coffee to her lips and smiled.

She sipped from the cup and her eyes sparkled as she glanced into the room at her own daughter as she hung her coat on the hook on the far side of the room. "It's tough giving them a little bit of freedom... especially when I'm so used to spending so much time with her. It gets kind of lonely."

"I can relate..." Derek nodded as he breathed deeply, trying his best to tread lightly in the conversation.

"Your daughter is Zoey, right...?"

Derek paused for a moment, biting his lower lip as he nodded. "Yes... Zoey..."

"Carrie mentioned her yesterday... that it was her first day of school... I think they got along pretty well." Kara said with a smile as she took another sip of her coffee. "Are you okay?" She whispered, watching Derek look at her coffee as if he were looking at some kind of prize at the bottom of a cereal box.

"Huh? Oh..." He whispered, realizing he had been staring. "I'm sorry... I'm just... I just... I haven't had my morning coffee yet... I'm about ready to grab that one out of your hand and run... though I'm not sure that it'd make a very good impression." He said as he chuckled, watching her giggle as they stood here. "I have to get to the hospital and get some caffeine in me before my shift starts." He said as his cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "Or before I say something else so utterly embarrassing I have to send Zoey to school alone." He said as Kara laughed.

"Oh, you didn't say anything embarrassing... I know how it is before that first cup of coffee." She laughed as Derek looked to his shoe and laughed. "You work over at the hospital?"

"I do." Derek nodded with a soft smile as he looked up into her eyes.

"I do too..." She said with a laugh. "Pediatrics... I'm one of the staff psychologists for the terminal ward."

"Really? I'm surgery... Neuro, mostly... It's my third year... and the new interns will be here tomorrow." He said with a smile.

"The new batch, huh?" She said with a slight laugh as she nodded toward the door. "I'll walk with you over to the hospital." She said as Derek nodded and smiled.

"Hey, that sounds good." Derek said with a smile as he and Kara walked side by side toward the hospital. They talked softly as they walked, laughing and having a fairly good time as they walked through the front doors of the hospital. They walked toward the elevator, Derek stopping for a moment to grab a cup of coffee at the small cart set up in the lobby as he continued his conversation with Kara, laughing as they made their way toward the elevator again. As they walked, Derek thought he could feel the glare of someone at his back, but instead of giving in to his paranoia, he just continued the friendly conversation as they entered the elevator together. They talked a little more as the elevator reached the pediatrics floor and Derek stepped off the elevator with her.

"Hey, you have one more floor to go..." She giggled.

"I know, I know... but since we're both heading to the school to pick up the girls... maybe we could walk together." He shrugged.

"That'd be fine..." She said with a shy smile. "I'll meet you down in the lobby... about... Three fifteen..."

"Sounds good to me." Derek said with a smile as he turned and pushed the button to the elevator. "See you around, Kara."

"See you around, Derek." She said with a half giggle as she watched Derek push his way into the next crowded elevator, sending her a friendly wave as it closed in front of him.

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