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Sarah was just putting the finishing touches on the apple pie she was baking when she heard the doorbell ring. She heard the sound of the girls tumbling around upstairs as she shook her head and laughed. "I'll get the door, don't worry about it..." She said as she walked to the front door. She glanced up the stairs and saw the smiling faces of Sammy and Morgan. "I said I've got it, you crazy kids..." She said as the two girls giggled.

Sarah looked out the peep hole and her brow furrowed as she opened the door. "Mark?" She said as he stood in the doorway with his hands in his coat pockets.

"Hey..." He said with a slight smile. "Derek asked me to pick up Zoey." He said as he glanced up the stairs to see the two girls standing, watching him carefully.

"He asked you to pick up Zoey?" She asked with a confused look as she looked up the stairs. "Where is he?"

"He... had some things to do... said that I can drop her off at the house later."

"I don't understand. He hasn't called me or anything... is he alright?"

"He didn't say much." Mark replied. "He just asked me to pick up Zoey and bring her to see Meredith. He said he had some things to work on and he'd be home a little later."

"So he wants you to bring Zoey to Meredith?" She shook her head. "Where is he? Where did he go this morning?"

"He went to the hospital." Mark replied. "Apparently, there was something going on with Meredith... and he went to take care of it, but I got a phone call about a half hour ago, and he asked me to pick up Zoey to visit Meredith."

"Is Meredith alright?"

"I guess..." Mark shrugged. "Sarah, seriously... I really don't know much about what is going on... he just asked me to do him a favor. Try his cell phone..." Mark shrugged.

"Hang on..." She said as she beckoned him to step inside as she closed the door. "Zoey... are you ready to go?" Sarah called as Zoey continued to stare down the stairs at Mark. This was very unorthodox, and she was getting a nervous feeling in her tummy.

"Where's DD?" She called down as Mark sighed.

"Come on down and I'll take you to see Mommy." He said as he tried to give her a soft smile as she stood anxiously at the top of the stairs.

"No... no, where is DD... not mommy... where is DD?" She asked.

"Sweetheart... I'm..."

"NO! I WANT TO KNOW WHERE DD IS NOW!" She exclaimed as she took off running toward Derek's bedroom, slamming the door behind her as Mark stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Shit..." Mark muttered as he climbed the stairs quickly as Sarah dialed her brother's number.

"Shepherd." Derek muttered into the line.

"Derek, where are you?" Sarah asked as she listened to a long, slow sigh.

"I'm at the hospital." He said as he swallowed hard. "Did Mark pick up Zoey?"

"No... I mean... he's here, but she's locked herself in your room..." Sarah said as she listened to Mark knocking on the door.

"What do you mean she's locked herself in my room? What's wrong? What's going on over there?" Derek asked as he became very anxious. "Sarah?"

"Apparently, she's not a fan of changing routine." Sarah said as she sighed. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He said quickly as she listened to the pain in his voice.

"Derek, what's going on? Why is Mark here, and why is everyone being so cryptic?"

"Can you give the phone to Zoey, please?" He asked, ignoring his sister's questions. "Please give the phone to her?"


"Sarah... please." Derek replied.

"Fine." She said angrily as she walked down the hallway quickly and up the stairs. She stepped over Mark trying to see under the door and she knocked on the door as she listened to the little girl crying on the other side. "Zoey...? Zoey, sweetheart... DD is on the phone..."

"No... no he's not... he's not on the phone..." She sobbed. "You're just trying to trick me!"

"No trick, sweetheart..." Sarah replied. "Please come out and talk to Aunt Sarah... and take the phone, he's very worried about you."

"You just want me to open the door! It's a trick!" She cried. "DD is in heaven! DD is in heaven and you don't want to tell me that!" She shouted as Sarah felt the tears coming to her eyes for the little girl, she looked down at Mark who gave her a worried look. Sarah hit the button for speaker phone on the cell phone.

"Derek... you're on speaker phone..."

"Zoey?" Derek's voice echoed through the hallway as Mark sat up and looked up at Sarah as she listened at the door. "Zoey, baby... where are you?"

"DD?" She whimpered from the room. "DD, are you here?" She shouted through the door.

"I'm at the hospital, sweetheart... Mister Mark was supposed to pick you up... where are you?" He asked.

"I'm in your room.... I'm in your room, DD!" She exclaimed as she opened the door quickly, tears in her eyes as she reached for the phone. Sarah switched it off speaker phone and handed it to her. "Oh DD! Oh!" She exclaimed as she held the phone securely in her hands. "It's really you..." She said as her voice sounded relieved, her crying ceased.

"It's really me... why are you giving Mister Mark a hard time?" He asked as he waited for her to answer. "Aren't you going to come see your mommy."

"I'll be right there, DD!" She exclaimed.

"Okay... I'll see you soon..."

"See you soon, DD. I love you."

"I love you too, baby." Derek said softly as he listened to the phone exchange hands.

"Derek?" Sarah said into the line, the concern in her voice was evident.

"Just let Mark bring her in, please." Derek replied. "I'll be home soon." Derek replied, as the line fell dead.

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