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Mark held Zoey's hand as she skipped along the sidewalk. She was calmer than she had been in the car, with Mark constantly letting her know that Derek was alright, and that she was just going for a regular mommy visit. "I never see Mommy without DD, Mister Mark." She said for the fifteenth or sixteenth time as they approached the front doors. "DD is always with me... are you sure he's okay?"

"I am sure he's okay. He promised me that he would meet us back at home when you're through visiting with mommy..."

"He's going to be at home after I see mommy?" She asked as she looked up at Mark as they entered the hospital.

"Yep." Mark replied as he nodded his head and watched her gray eyes dance as she smiled up at him.

"You promise, right Mister Mark?" She asked as she watched him nod his head.

"I promise." He replied as he squeezed her hand a little to let her know he was serious as they walked into the hospital front doors.


Derek pulled the car into the driveway as he rubbed his eye slightly. He tried to mentally prepare himself for the tongue lashing he knew he was going to get from his sister as soon as he walked in the door. He did not want to hear it, but he knew it was inevitable, and the groan he emitted when he saw his sister standing on the front porch, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited for him said it all.

He opened his car door and climbed out, rubbing his eyes as he pretended that he was alright. "Sarah... it's freezing outside, I'm not heating the entire forty acres." He said as he gave her a tight lipped smile as she shook her head and continued to stand angrily at the door.

He walked toward her as she continued to stare at him, her lips closed, her eyes giving him a slight preview of what was to come once he stepped into the house. He decided to just walk past her, and see how far he could get before she forced him to talk. He was surprised she let him walk into the house, and as he walked toward the stairs, he cringed as she slammed the door.

"Where are the girls?" Derek asked as he turned around, raising his eyebrows as he found himself staring straight into his sister's matching eyes, though where his were tired and worn, hers were angry and determined. "Sarah?"

"Don't give me that, Derek. Don't even think about giving me that!" She exclaimed as she shook her head angrily at him.

"I have no idea what you.... OW! Let go!" He exclaimed as she grabbed him by the ear and pulled, yanking him across the room as she pushed him down onto the couch.

"Don't give me the shit, Derek. I'm tired of the shit."

"Stop talking like that...where are the girls?"

"They're taking a nap, Derek. They're upstairs and they're sleeping. Do you know why they're taking a nap, Derek? They're napping because last night, Zoey woke them up three times in the middle of the night because of nightmares. They are napping... because for some strange ass reason... their uncle took in a little girl with more problems than she has solutions, and he's just a dumb ass moronic brain surgeon who became one to make up for the brain he doesn't have! What is your problem, Derek? You're going to give me some answers! I deserve answers!"

"I told you why I took her in! I told you!"

"I want you to tell me everything, Derek! I want you to tell me why that little girl is terrified that you're dead! I want to know why she locked herself in that bedroom and told me that I was tricking her... Derek, you need to tell me this stuff. Stop leaving me in the goddamned dark! My children are starting to get affected by this, and you know damn well that I'm not going to sit here and let that happen." She said as she shook her head.

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