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Derek walked out of the room with Zoey, his eye caught his sister's and Zoey let go of his hand to run to Sammy and Morgan, who acted like nothing had happened in the room and latched onto Zoey's hand as they giggled and talked. Sarah watched Derek as he walked down the hallway, not pausing as he stomped toward the elevator. "Derek..." She said as she caught up with him, watching him usher the three girls into the elevator as he held the door to her.

"What?" He asked as he raised his eyebrows, his mood was dark and filled with shadows, she could see the torment in his eyes that he was attempting to hide, and it was making her nervous.

"Are you alright?" She asked, watching as his mood had completely turned around from before the visit. She couldn't believe the change. "Derek...?"

"I'm fine, Sarah... I'm fine... alright... let's go grocery shopping or whatever... and get some things for the house, maybe some... decorations or something... what do you do for Thanksgiving anyway? There aren't any like... lights or trees or anything for this holiday... do you decorate for it?" He asked as he tilted his head, his attempt to change the subject was weak, but she was willing to give him a little breathing room.

"No... there aren't lights or trees..." She laughed. "Did you and Zoey carve pumpkins or anything?"

"Oh! DD! We can draw punkins... and leafs... and pretty things and hang them up in the house!" Zoey said excitedly as Derek watched her smile and look to Sammy, who nodded her head.

"Yeah, yeah!" Sammy exclaimed.

"Color! I wanna color!" Morgan exclaimed.

"There... decorations are taken care of." Sarah said as she touched her brother's shoulder as the elevator door opened. He grabbed Morgan's hand before she could run out after the two older girls and lifted her into his arms as she protested for a moment, but eased into his arms.

"So... now we have to get a turkey and fixings..." He said as he kissed Morgan's cheek as she wiped it off and laughed at his surprised face.

"Do you have enough plates?" She asked, watching Derek sigh as he watched the two older girls.

"Um... no..." Derek said as he glanced to his sister. "It's not every day that I have an army of twenty five-ish people in my house."

"Say it..." She smirked as he grabbed Zoey's hand as they approached the front door of the hospital.

"I am not saying it..." He said as he walked through the opening doors as Sarah grasped hold of Sammy's hand.

"Come on, Derek... you want to say it..." She said as she stopped and put her hand on his chest to stop him from walking.

"Thank you for coming early and saving me from the rest of the family..." He rolled his eyes as she laughed.

"There... now doesn't that make you feel good... now finish..."


"Come on!" She exclaimed as she pushed on him slightly. "I'm not letting you step off the curb until you say it."

"You're a bully..." He smirked.

"Come on..."

"Okay... fine... you're right... I'm not prepared, I'm not ready... and I probably wouldn't even have a thawed turkey by the time everyone got here ... does that sound about right to you?"

"You could have just said that I was right..." She shrugged with a laugh as her eyes moved to the side as a young woman walked toward them.

"Derek!" She called as she walked in their direction.

Sarah watched his eyes light up as the woman stepped close to them, she seemed to lift his mood when he said hello. "Kara..." Derek said with a smile as she smiled as she approached them.

"Hi Miss Kara..." Zoey said with a smile.

"Hi, Miss Zoey..." She smiled as she touched the little girl's freckled nose.

"What are you guys doing here? Visiting with mommy?" She asked as her eyes fell upon Sarah and the other two little girls. "Oh! And who is this!" She said with a smile as she tilted her head at the little dark haired girl in his arms.

"This is one of my nieces... this is Morgan... and that's Sammy... and this one over here is my sister Sarah." He said with a smile as Sarah held her hand out.
"Hi..." Sarah said, giving her brother a suspicious look as she shook Kara's hand.

"I'm Kara... a friend of Derek's... my daughter and Zoey are in the same class. How are you enjoying your week off?" She asked as Derek gave her a refreshed smile.

"Well, it's going to be a busy week." Derek said with a laugh as he bounced Morgan a little in his arms. "The rest of the crew will be here on Wednesday." He said as Morgan pushed her head into Derek's neck shyly. "You girls should stop by... maybe for dessert or something... you'll fit right in. You can even bring the boyfriend."

"Oh! That reminds me... there was something I wanted to talk to you about... I should get in, I have a session in a few minutes... but seriously... call me later..."

"So no on the Thanksgiving invite?" He asked as she tilted her head and laughed.

"I'll see... maybe for dessert..."

"You should have taken the week off too..." Derek teased as she laughed. "You don't know the freedom you're missing..." He rolled his eyes as he laughed.

"DD, let's go! We gotta get crayons and paper and stuff!" Zoey insisted as she pulled on his arm.

"I should go anyway..." Derek said with a laugh. "I'll see you guys on Thursday..." He said as she smiled.

"I'll see..." Kara replied. "It was nice to meet you, Sarah... Sammy and Morgan... Zoey... I'll see you next week."

"Thursday, Kara... you're going to see her Thursday..." Derek called as she shook her head and walked into the hospital.

"Thursday, Derek... got it..." She disappeared around the corner as Derek stood with a grin on his face.

"Derek, Derek, Derek..." Sarah said as she shook her head and walked toward the car holding Sammy's hand.

"What?" Derek asked as he stood there with Morgan in his arms and Zoey holding his other hand. He watched his sister walk toward the car, her head shaking the whole way. "What?" He asked as he followed after her quickly.

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