How you met. -Rewrite-

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So I'm going to be working on these rewrites all day because I have nothing else to do.



It was just an average day. Same old, same old.

What's new?

You were just walking along the hallway, just hoping to make it to your locker, because of course you forgot you project in your locker, so now you had half the class giving you shit for being forgetful.

'Nothing changes. Nothings new.' You depressingly thought to yourself. It's getting kind of tedious.

Your eyes facing the floor, just walking along the hallway, you didn't even notice the worker drone in front of you, seeming equally as distracted. She was seemingly holding something. Probably books.

You noticed it last second, but that didn't save you as you, nor her, didn't stop in time and bumped into each other.

"Ack- Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." You frantically apologized. Once she was done rubbing her head trying to ease the pain, she looked up at you.

"It's fine. You okay?" She asked, kind of dismissing the the books scattered across the floor.

"I'm fine. Here, let me help you." You said, getting up first offering a hand to help her up. She accepted the gesture and stared at you for a second.

"Uh, are these your books?" You asked, pointing at said books. She looked down noticing the books.

"Yeah." She simply responded, starting to pick them up. You helped her out and handed the rest of the books to her.

"My names Y/N, in case you were wondering." You introduced. 

"Uzi." She responded.

"I gotta get going, so... see you later." You said, walking past her, going towards the other hallway to your locker.

She just looked at you walk by and turned to walk the other direction.



This was the third time this week you had to go out to get spare parts to repair and for the other 'grown' worker drones that constantly built doors.

'The third fricking time.' You angerly thought to yourself. You thought the WDF were getting too over confident, thinking that you were invincible. You weren't. You knew that much. 

But they didn't care. What's one more worker drone, right? Just keeps the murder drones off their back while you had to suffer a painful death.

Of course, that hasn't happened yet, but the chances of that happening isn't impossible.

You went from building to building, putting the parts that you thought might be useful in the wheelbarrow that you conveniently found.

It started to get tedious after the first... what, 6 buildings? Collecting the same old parts from the same old buildings.

You thought to yourself that, 'Yeah, this is enough parts.' and started to walk back to the... bunker? Dome? Whatever. 

Literally not even 5 minutes after you started walking back to the bunker, you already had the feeling that you were being stalked. You looked around desperately, praying to whatever god existed that you were wrong.

That you weren't being stalked.

But of course, why would he be nice to you? 

Immediately, as soon as you turned around, a murder drone Slammed into the ground.

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