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Y'know, I really ought to thank you all. I mean, without you, I would just be back at square one! 

It's still me, John Molan.

Don't interpret this as "I WAS EVIL ALL ALONG HAHAHAHA!!!" This is more than that. I don't consider myself evil.

I do have something to say to all of you that commented to me:

Mynameiskit1254, I never lied to you about needing information from him. But honestly? It was more personal than what I made it out to be.

Sadberry_YT, As I promised, I will give him back in a few days or so. Just you wait.

cinnamoroll_0fficial, When I say I "Took him by force" I meant extreme force. It was sort of personal.

Disconnected_Mia, Don't threaten me again. Or waffle won't come back in one piece next time.

Naitsirco, I will actually pour salt in your eyes if you ever compare me to that pathetic excuse for a character.

Coxokiics, I do apologize for injuring waffle. But it was necessary.   

Usernamelo1, Yes, it's an arg for you-

s3xc0r3, Aren't you glad I kept my promise? I hope so.

TheCrustiestBoi, D o  n o t .

Magikson97, I still prefer bacon over video games.

And as for you,  EMPTYINSANITY13, Or, rather, Calvin, is it?

I honestly never thought I'd get the attention of the multiversal committee. But there's a first for everything I guess.

But even you can't stop what's coming. But you can try. It'd be funny to watch it happen.

As for the rest of you that just sat there and watched? You'll get your chapters back soon. But it was fun while it lasted.

This is something you can't stop. The ball is rolling, and you can't stop it.

Enjoy your murder drones book.


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