Chapter 1

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Yup, you. Right there. The one reading this. Hello.

So, you're probably wondering what this book is about or why it's not starting in a more appropriate manner or why I'm even talking to you, the 'reader'.


Let me enlighten you. This isn't a story. It's a collection of letters revealing my dark life. Now, before you click the little 'x' in the corner of the page or the 'back' key on your phone, listen me out.

My life isn't as one might think. I have a very... extraordinary... family.

In the event that you do decide to stay, good luck.


Dear you,

Hello, my name is Elizabeth. Is this my real name? No. It's nothing more than an identity barrier.

I'm a typical 17 year old girl trying to make it through high school and let me tell you; that sh!t is hard. Drama is more like news here than gossip. It's somewhat insulting.

In a small town like Aveloin, people tend to have alot of free time on their hands.

We had just started school a couple of days ago and I'm already wishing for the earth to open up and swallow me whole.

In a school, where girls and boys don't mix inside the classroom, survival is for the toughest! Especially in a class full of snobby, greedy, rich b!tches.

You think having the same class as your ex is bad? Imagine a tribe of girls, always occupying the back of the class, plotting against everyone and anyone who dared look at them. It's somewhat frustrating.

Something that absolute boils my blood about these girls is the urgency to always want to be stuck to each other. In class, they decided to build a mini great wall of China. They aligned all the desks beside each other and decided to block the passage to people, like myself, trying to get to their seats. (Which is two rows to their right)

You might be wondering, why not just ask them to move? Or complain to someone. Here's the thing. People aren't very nice. Asking them to move their desks away from the passage way is like asking a fish to climb a tree. It just doesn't work. Then why not just move them while they're outside during break time? Again, the fish thing? Except this time, take the fish out of the bowl and fling it full speed at the tree. It's pure ignorance.

A tactics these girls use to threaten the rest of the population of the class is exploitation. They usually get the mobile number of their victim and spread it across the country with a few "decorative" words. Next thing you know, a poor girl is the town's new gossip.

Another thing that is dangerous here is that reputation is everything. You live and die according to your reputation. You breath, eat, sleep and swim your reputation. There is no cleaning it if it's stained.

Personally, I didn't really care, but my parents do. I learnt to care though, in a way. I just keep to myself. I don't mix with the 'bad group' nor do I go drinking and partying. I'm still the town's freak, but a good freak.

We wouldn't want daddy to get mad, no would we?

Now, you might be wondering why I'm sharing such pointless stories and wasting your time by asking you to stay and read on. You see, this is just the beginning. A warm up.

I'm a psychopath.

I'm crazy.

There is something wrong with me.

Matter of fact, there is something wrong with my entire family. I'm not sure if I'm the worst, but I'm definitely not a good girl.

*Note: you guys enjoying this?


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