Chapter 22

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Dear you,

As soon as I had the slightest glimpse of what was around us I automatically turned right back to the Devil and tightened my hands back around him and buried my face into his chest once again. Pressing my eyes shut tightly and my lips together to stop from saying something harmful to him.

Wouldn't want to insult someone when you're on top of a fúcking bridge now do we?

"Are you okay?" He tried to pry my hands away from his body but that just made me squish him harder and press my head into him even more.

"Hey," he said softly, trying to get my hands off of him again but failing. "You're safe just look. I brought you here so that you could calm down a little and breath some fresh air."

I kept my mouth shut and my hands tightly around him.

"Fine then." I heard him say. "We'll just stay here," he said wrapping his hands loosely around my shoulders. "You can come out when you're ready, little girl."

Although I was tempted to actually see where we were, I absolutely refused to move. I could have slipped, or tripped, or pushed him off or something!

This was very dangerous but I knew I needed something to get my mind off of those... Things.

As the time passed slowly, my grip softened a little. I could hear his beating heart and I kept track of his breathing, trying to sync our breaths together so we would inhale and exhale at the same time.

I wished he had said something. Told me a story. Just talked about random things. Sang something. Yelled at me. Yet at the same time, I was thankful he kept quiet.

After about two hours, I decided to put my big girl pants on and try to take a peek at what had been around me.

Slowly, and with extreme agonizing slowness, I turned my head to the side and cracked open one eye looking at a cluster of lights.

I frowned the pushed my head away from him completely and really looked at the picture in front of me, and what a picture it was.

Tall skyscrapers cut through the clouds like a hot knife on butter. A bundle of colorful lights covered the ground and so many red and green lights were moving out and about, crossing over each other and crossing over other colorful lights. It was a city. A beautiful city full of life and beauty and people.

I watched as the people slept and the lights woke up.

It was so beautiful to see something so special at such a critical time that I wanted to do something regretful to die in full bliss. If I had died at that moment, I would've died between the pretty lights and the long buildings. I would've died a happy person, away from the demons in my dreams and in real life.

"Beautiful isn't it," I heard someone whisper into my ear and as I turned around, I saw his "face". Only this time, I actually saw his lips stretch into a smile.

We were so close to each other and my eyes could only focus on his smile as his pinkish lips revealed a set of beautifully straight pearly white teeth. As I stared at his mouth, I felt a smile tug at my own lips. I don't know why but it had made me happy to see him like that.

My cheeks stretched and I felt my teeth peak out from between my lips as I looked at this single beam of hope that maybe some day I'd see his face.

Sadly, today was not that day.

I turned back around, my hand unconsciously on his chest as his hands lay on my back. I watched the lights move around and remembered my small town and how it could never compare to such a glorious sight.

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