Chapter 20

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(This chapter was just re-edited. I'm so so sorry for the shįtty content I put just hours ago.)

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Dear you,

I just want to know one simple thing; how?

How in the world did that car flip over? Do I have super powers that kill whoever I despise? Is it all a coincidence? Am I cursed?

I just don't understand!

For the past couple of weeks, the school has been shut down. First the Doll incidence, then the Amy one and now a car flipped. Police didn't like it when teenagers get hurt or die, in some cases, while attending school.

Connor has been calling me non-stop and although he invited me to his house, I didn't feel like talking to him.

He wasn't normal.

He really wasn't.

There was something off about him, and that's coming from me.

I visited the police station a couple of times since a lot of people are accusing me of causing all these problems. People tried to have me arrested a couple of times but none of it worked. They didn't have any evidence that I did any of it.

My phone was blowing up with texts from random people threatening to have me killed "for the greater good". The house has gotten egged a couple of times and I got chased like twice in the past week.


As I silently sat at Subway, eating my sandwich peacefully at the back corner of the shop, I heard the door's bell ring. I didn't give it much care until I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. As the person got closer, I looked up to see Connor.


I gave him the most annoyed look I had ever given a single living organism then looked down at my plate and continued to eat my food, hoping that somehow he'll leave me alone.

"Cupcake, you do know it's rude to ignore someone's call." He slid into the booth facing mine then grabbed my half empty drink and gulped it all down.

I stopped eating and glared at him then, under the table, pulled my heavy combat boot back and kicked him as hard as I could on his shines.

I think his soul left his body for a second.

Tears filled the corners of his eyes as he quickly shut them and pulled his fist into his mouth and groaned into it then clutching his foot with the other.

I watched in pure satisfaction as he jumped in his seat, somehow trying to ease the pain.

I hope it bruises.

"Fūck off, you dįckfúck."

Connor chuckled lazily. His soft voice bouncing off the walls that protected us in a way. "Dīckfūck," he said scratching his chin. "That's a new one."

I dramatically looked down at my watch then looked up at the ceiling, scratching my chin and narrowing my eyes to seem like I was trying to remember something, "Really? Cause I can't seem to remember when I asked your fúcking opinion."

He laughed again. His laugh...

"Do I look like a meme to you?" I was being mean. "Why the fúck are you laughing?"

His pearly white teeth shone through his lips as he flashed me a sheepish smile. "You're just adorable when you're mad, darling."

I made a move to kick his leg again but this time, he jumped up and tucked his legs underneath him on the seat.

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