Chapter 28

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Dear you,

After having talked for a while, I still wasn't sure if the man chatting with me was Connor or The Devil.

I didn't care.

I wanted to get out and he might be my ticket.

I heard the loud screech of the rusty outside door opening and almost immediately I jumped back to the far corner the cell.

I heard loud, heavy steps coming towards us and my heart rate sped up to an unimaginable rate. I thought I might have a heart attack.

I pressed my hand to my mouth to stop from crying or making any sort of noise that might grab unwanted attention and pushed my back against the wall behind me.

I think I might've died.

The heavy footsteps get closer and closer to me and I try to get further away but I can't. I don't know what to do. I wanted to move away from them, to disappear, to just leave this horrible place.

As soon as the footsteps came close to my cell, a tear feathered down my cheek and splattered against the pavement. I waited for them to stop at any moment but they never did. Just continued to move further back into the darkness.

"Elizabeth," I heard a soft whisper.

Instantly, I perked up. Him. I quickly crawled towards the iron metal rods, shaking as I grasped them. "Will they kill us?"

I heard a frustrated sigh and then he said something that made my heart smile. "No."

I sighed quietly and leaned forwards to peer at the thing that had passed us, seeing if it might come back.

"You'll be ok, babydoll." He said assuringly and I smiled. "It is you."

I heard a soft chuckle, "Not entirely, doll."

I 'hmm'ed and sat my as* back down on the ground.

"What happened to you," he asked. "Your past doesn't seem like a beautiful fairytale."

"Sexual assault and domestic abuse," I chuckled softly.

He was quite for a while but then spoke up again. "What happened?"

"My parents beat the absolute shit out of me and when they weren't at home our previous neighbour ,Mr. Thomson, would sneak in and finish off the rest."

It was quite after that.

After a little while, a question popped into my head and it made it out of my mouth before I had the chance to think it through. "Why are you so f*cked in the head?"

Might want to keep my tongue in check seeing as he's the only one with me in the hell hole.

Connor chuckled loud enough for it to echo across the hall of cells.

I cringed and half expected someone to come in and beat me unconscious already. Luckily, no one did.

"Kind of a long story, dear."

I looked around the darkness in sarcasm but then remembered he probably can't see me so I said, "Well I'm not really going anywhere considering I'm locked up!"

He laughed softly but kept quite.


"Well," he said slowly. "I'm not going to tell you, sweetheart."

I scoffed angrily and scooted away from him, sighing angrily and loudly so he would hear how frustrated I was.

I heard a light crackle from the other side and then his voice softly floated over to my side. "I was orphaned at 5 and was given to a foster family where they fucked with my head with pills,  a shitload of violence and just a pinch 'go-f*ck-yourself'.

I stayed quite.

"How'd your parents die," my childlike curiosity uttered. I have to seriously control my mouth.

"Murder," He said. "I invited ,a total stranger, into our house when they were away and as soon as they walked through the front door he stabbed them both to death." A cruel laugh vibrated through the air. "He then drowned himself."

I didn't want to apologize. I knew he didn't want to hear an apology. There is so reason to apologize because it will not do anything good for him so I kept quiet.

"F*cking coward." He said, but not in an angry tone, more in a mocking one.

I sat still, silently agreeing with him.

"I don't want to die," I told him softly.

"You won't."

"It's a matter of time before they come get us." I snorted, "you don't think they actually forgot about us ,do you?"

It was silent again.

I waited for him to say something. Anything. SAY SOMETHING.

Then the door slammed open and in a blink of an eye, I was staring at a pair of merciless, black voids which I realised to be eyes.

*note: hope you enjoyed! Sorry, it's not that long!

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