Chapter 19

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Dear you,

I killed her.

Something most people would have expected to come out of my mouth when the school director started going around suspiciously watching everyone.

The cops came to the school a couple of days ago. After the whole stupid Doll incident, the school was on the police's radar. Now, they're talking about shutting it down for a while until they figure out what's happening.

Meanwhile, I was the school's most hated girl. I could be staring at a wall and people would find something nasty to say.

"Just say the truth you bįtch! You did it!"

"Fūcking psychopath!"

"Look, she's such a loser! How is Connor her boyfriend again?"

Most people were accusing me of attempting to kill Connor next. Not gonna lie, that thought has crossed my mind.

At the beginning, I had fought with some people and cussed others out, but now I just keep walking. Whatever they say just enters one ear and is out the other side.

I searched my bra, panties and backpack and found that I really was out of fúcks to give.

"Cupcake." Fučk my living existence.

It was time to go home and I was exiting the school when I heard that dreadful voice. I had been trying to get away from Connor since yesterday when he told me the news, I was successful until that minute.

When I heard his voice, I kept walking. I was in no mood to have to deal with Connor.

"Babydoll," he called out again.

I kept walking. I was out the school doors and walking on the sidewalk towards the parking lot to catch a taxi on the other side when I felt a hand clutch my arm.

The hand gently pulled me back making me forcefully stop. As I looked back, I met the familiar green eyes I grew to know by heart.

"Let me give you a ride, cupcake," he smiled.

"No." My face was colored with boredom and the poker face I had going on really did do a number on Connor.

His smile instantly vanished and his eyebrows pulled in together. "Babydoll, I know you didn't do it. You don't have to get mad because some people choose to accuse you of lies."

Still wasn't amused.

"I know you didn't do it."

At that point, anger was slowly bubbling up underneath my skin. Mad. I was getting so incredibly mad and I wanted him to leave me alone.

I didn't need pity.

A dangerously dark smile covered my features, and my eyes almost shone in mischief. "What if I did do it, loverboy?"

The look on his face gave nothing away. I didn't know if he believed me or not.

"Why do you lie so much," he asked gritting his teeth together then pulling my body towards him clamping down on my other arm.

I had a lazy smile playing on my lips. "I didn't lie," I said looking up at him, grinning. "I try not to lie. They say it's bad."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "They who?"

"The voices," I finished softly releasing myself from him.

He just stood there, staring at me with a deadly look in his eyes. Green. His lips were pressed into a straight line. He didn't look happy.

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