Chapter 24

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(In case you guys missed it, please go back and read the past chapters. It's just the numbers aren't adding up... Ok I'll leave luv ya!)

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Dear you,

I was wanted.

As I lay on the wet and soggy forest floor, I heard whispers around me. Whispers of the ghosts of the demons. They demanded that I come to them. The demanded that I give in.

They said they had been waiting for an opportunity to get to me and that now, it was time.

I couldn't count how many times I wanted to get up and run back to Connor just to not feel like I was going to die at any moment but at times the fear of getting up and actually moving overpowered the urge to find safety.

Childhood melodies played in my head and I hummed them loudly as tears spilled down the side of my cheeks. I had my eyes closed tightly and hand my arms wrapped around my legs and my bag as my pillow.

It was no surprise to say that I was freezing cold, I couldn't do shīt about it, though.

"We're going to take you, child." He whispered and hummed louder. I hoped to overpower his voice with my own shaky, unsure voice.

"We'll skin you alive, dearest one," I did;t know what I did to deserve this. I tightly pressed my legs to my body and shut my eyes tighter, feeling the tears squeeze their way out and onto the fallen leaves.

As I lay there, listening to them pondering me on about how they'll get me alive or burn my piece by piece, I felt like I was suffocating. My throat was closed up and my head was full of chaotic thoughts that just made me want to jump off of a cliff to stop it.

About five hours into the dark night, I fell asleep somehow. It was a dreamless sleep and as I was passed out on the cold hard floor, I remember feeling so incredibly grateful.

I actually slept.

At some point in the very hours of the morning, I was shaken awake. I was ripped out of my sleep with violent jerk.

Gasping, my eyes flew open and I gasped in the late night forest air. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I noticed a figure on top of me. It looked bulky and very big and as soon as my brain kicked in, my eyes widened, I sucked in a deep breath and got ready to scream murder.

It never happened, though.

Instead, when I was ready to scream, the figure swiftly moved down towards me, wrapping one of his big cold hands around my mouth and pressing his other hand to the back of my neck.

My eyes widened with terror and my throat closed off. I felt like I was going to throw up as the feeling of nausea struck me.

When I remembered that I had a life to fight for, I quickly raised my hands and kicked at the dirt bellow my feet. Using my nails to scratch at his hands and to try to pull them away from me.

I screamed into his hands and thrust my legs harder into the air, trying to somehow hit him. I closed my eyes and tried to bit his gloved hand or indent it in any way when I heard his voice.

"If you don't stop right now, I'm going to rip your head off and toss it in a volcano with the rest of your body," he said and instantly I froze.

I heard a short chuckle from him then his hand moved away from my mouth and rested his elbow on his knee, leaning back away from me. I raised my body slightly up and rested my weight back on my elbows.

"What do you want?" I crawled back slowly a few feet away from him till my back met the tree behind me. "Why are you here? Who told you where I was?"

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