Chapter 13

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Dear you,

There are monsters under my bed and they're out to get me.

Since I was homeless, I decided to go to the forest to spend some time alone. I walked through the tall trees and ducked several times and came across a small lake.

It was small, nothing extravagant and I loved it. I wondered how I couldn't have found this place earlier but then shrugged it off. I found it now.

I walked up to the lake's bank and sat down just at its extremity. My legs slowly swayed backwards and forwards as my hands decided to explore the ground around me.

I was in a happy bubble, for once.

So calm. So relaxed. So beautiful.

I was thinking. I let my mind loose and I was wondering. Asking different questions and trying to make sense of illogical things. I was consumed in my own mind. Until a puffy little pink dress came into my side view.

I smiled.

"Sally." She sat beside me on the dirt and let her little legs swing like mine, except hers, weren't as long as mine. They looked like two small carrots.

"Hi, Ezzi!" She smiled brightly, a couple of her front teeth missing.

I laughed. A genuine laugh. It sounded beautiful as it echoed through the empty forest. I think I should laugh more. Or maybe just remember this.

"How are you, cutie?" I looked at her sideways grinning.

"I'm freak!" Fück, she was full of energy. "Today I spied on some people! They were walking through your forest and talking and stuff! It was so annoying. But I had so much fun scaring them! I kept making random noises and stepping on leaves and so much!" At this point, Sally was jumping in her seat. She was not even touching the ground, actually.

I smiled at her and laughed softly. I then set my hand on her shoulder and she almost instantly calmed down. She looked up at me with big doe eyes. They looked so sad and big.

I wanted to squish her cheeks.

"There was a man." She said looking down at her hands. Now, she looked older. This Sally was an older version of the little baby I met the first time. She seems troubled and sad.

She seems angry and already sick of life.

She seems to like me and that is terrifying

"When I woke up one night, there was a man. He was standing beside my bed. He was holding a big knife. I was so scared so I didn't scream. He was so big and scary and I wanted to run to my mommy and tell her about him but then he stabbed me with his big knife and it hurt a lot," tears welled up in my eyes as I watched her tiny face contort into a heart-wrenching look of disparity and sadness. "It hurt so bad, Ezzi. I couldn't move after that then I slept."

If I could, I would go after this son of a bītch. If I could, I would shove a knife down his throat or even up his asś. If I could, I would save this little girl.

I picked her up while tears slid down her cheeks leaving a trail behind. Like memories. A trail probably filled with secrets and stories and the tear like a treasure chest open for the world to see.

I sat her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her much-smalled body and softly rocked her.

Front. Back. Front. Back.

I had memorized it from when I used to be a child. This was the drill.

I would curl up and move slowly. Like I was on a boat.

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