Chapter 25

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Dear you,

Fighting yourself. Fighting myself. That was a new one.

I always hear about people being conflicted with themselves but now I was literally fighting myself. The metal rod was at hand and my eyes were focused on my target. I would not have hesitated to drive that rod straight through her eye.

As Conner banged his body on the door a couple more times, we heard cracking and as we looked over, I noticed the door was coming off of its hinges and the door itself was starting to break.

I just had to hold her off until Conner could come in and help me because god knows I have zero to no fighting skills.

The me girl's head snapped in my direction, her smile wiped completely off and her eyes ablaze. In the blink of an eye, she had crouched down low and quickly moved a couple of feet to the right.

I pivoted on the balls of my feet and stuck the rod out towards her to scare her but she didn't flinch back like I had expected.

She pushed herself forward and suddenly lunged at me knocking me down. As we both fell, I screamed making her cover her ears and, I tried to push her off of me with the rod.

The me girl quickly uncovered her ears and pushed the rod back towards myself then she pulled her lips back snarling at me. She might look exactly like me but her insides were a whole other different story.

She had jagged, sharp fangs for teeth and the whole inside of her mouth was filled with a dark red liquid that almost looked like black goo. Her tongue was long and slim and at the tip had two points ends coming out of it.

As she opened her mouth, her tongue slithered out of her mouth and her saliva dripped down onto my face making me want to throw up from the pungent smell. It smelt like rotten eggs.

"Conner!" I tried to push me girl off of my body but she was much stronger as she pushed me back down forcing my head onto the ground.

I kicked my legs and screamed at the top of my lungs but nothing seemed to work as she studied me for a second then suddenly pulled away from me, standing up right by my feet.

Supporting myself on my elbows, I slowly started to crawl backwards away from her towards the door as she watched me when, without a warning, she reached over and grabbed a fistful of my hair and started dragging me across the floor.

I screamed then lost my grip on my metal rod making it clutter somewhere a few feet away from me, completely out of my reach.

A hot, seething pain shot down from my scalp and the bītch dragged me around the motherfúcking bathroom floor with my hair. I tried to scratch at her hands but she just ignored me and kept walking and as I looked to where she was taking me, I noticed she was looking straight at the mirror.

I panicked and quickly pulled out my shoes and launched it at her. She stopped for a second, looked back at me and as she did I grabbed her arm, pushing myself off of the floor somehow then pushed her arm back making her let go of my hand and take a couple of steps back.

The me girl looked at the door as Connor banged continuity on it causing it to break little by little. She looked towards the wall then at me.

My eyes widened and just as I reached for the discarded rod she grabbed my hair once again and banged my head on the wall so hard I collapsed on the ground once she let go.

"Fuck," I moaned loudly and I guess Connor heard it because next thing I know a part of the door came off and Connor peered inside.

I felt liquid seep down my face and as I touched it pain erupted from the open wound. I moaned again then started to feel my body giving up.

I was angry.

I got so angry at the thought of passing out while I there was a girl trying to kill me. Connor screamed my name but me girl just kept looking at me as if waiting. I felt her arms go around my upper body and under my own arms as she hoisted me up.

Hearing Connor scream my name with such disparity tore my heart. I wanted him to stop.

I struggled for a little while but then started to see black figures in my vision. I didn't know what to do or how to act but sheer tiredness took over my body.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" I struggled more against her and tried to get her to let go of me, but of course, I couldn't escape the darkness's claws that seem to drag me away frequently these past few weeks.

More dark figures covered my vision and I felt being hoisted up and pushed and pulled from several directions. Connor's voice seemed to get fainter and-and lower, and my heart rate sped up.

I felt several hands wrap around my body but I continued to fight although I knew it would be a hopeless cause.

Soon, Connor's voice was nothing but a mere whisper and loneliness and frightfulness became my friend once again.

*note: deepest apologies for the very short and late chapter but I just want to say that I had something really really big this weekend and I hadn't had time to write much. I still wanted to put something up, though, because it wasn't fair.

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