Chapter 23

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(Make sure you read chapter 22 before starting this one! Incase you missed it)

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Dear you,

Have you ever experienced that empty feeling you feel after parting from someone? It's like this heavy feeling you get in the bottom of your heart. At first you're not sure what it is exactly, then you look around you and you somehow remember something that is forgotten.

Something that is missing.

My mother died.

That was harsh but that's what happened. She died.

It just happened one morning, when I woke up. Qs always my father wasn't
Home and for some odd reason I had the urge to go into my parents room. As I walked in, I saw her.

She was laying on the bed, in a half sitting half laying down position. A creeping grin over her pale face. He eyes were wide open, staring right at the door as if expecting me to come in. Her dark brown, shoulder lengthed hair was spread across her shoulders and her hands were neatly placed on her lap, one ontop of the other. Her white nightgown had a big red blotch in the middle and inside the blotch there was a hole.

Her intestines were spilled out onto her lap and half her organs were missing, well from what I could see anyways. Her feet were crossed over eachother at the ankels.

It was like she was actually there, but not there since there was a gaping hole in her abdomen.

I didn't love her, to be honest. Didn't feel like she deserved my love, but she was my mother. Although she was the reason why I was so messed up, the world felt different without her.

As I sat silently on the steps of our house, the kids would pass by whispering to eachother then running away like I was about to pounce on them and snap one of their necks off.

Our house was basically an investigation scene and we weren't allowed back inside. After My father had disappeared that same night he never came back. The police station tried calling him numerous times but he never picked up.

Basically, I was homeless.

The joys of life.

The police had been quesntioning me for what had happened and although I told them everything I saw and knew, they still thought I might be one of the suspects. They had been watching me very closly and the sucirity around our tiny little town has trippled.

People were moving out of the city. There was even a silently agreed on cerfew where basicaly the whole town just shut down, which was at 9 pm.

It became exceedingly hard to get food or stay anywhere safe, like a mall or a random shop, since I was counted as a serial murdered in my town.

Everyone pointed their fingers at me. Whenevr they saw me, men hugged their wives and children closer to themselves, mothers pulled their kids closer to their sides, people glared daggers at me and kids ran away like there is no tomorrow.

I was getting really sick and tired of it.

I didn't know how to act around others. I needed food and shelter but how could I have these two things without money and home?

My feet were sore, my backpack that had been packed with clothes and food was making me regret ever bringing it along and my eyelids were as heavy as a raindrop coming down from the sky. I just wanted them to close.

I had been charging my phone with a solar charger that I was thankful I had but I was not out in the sunlight for that long and leaving my phone unattended was bad.

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