Part 1

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(This begins somewhere during the end of episode 128. Edit: someone pointed it out that Wenqi is blonde haired girl, so I fixed it.)

At the abandoned house
"Look! Your fellow classmates have turned on your. Your friends are nowhere to be seen. And you family... Do they know about your ability loss yet? I bet they'd be so ashamed of you!"

Sera just stares at the ground in silence, not replying.

"Don't become a failure like your sister!"

Leilah left us almost five year ago. She couldn't handle the pressure my parents put on her.

They deemed her a failure, and never wanted to mention her again.

If mom and dad saw me like this, they'd abandon me too.

"You'll never live the same way again! Finally sinking in, huh?"

Illena then grabbed Seraphina's shirt.

"Just admit it out loud, then! Acceptance is simple. Repeat after me. 'I, Seraphina, have learned my place. I am the most worthless student at Wellston... and will act as such."

Sera was still silent, not peeping a single word.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Say it!"


Elaine and Arlo walk up to the abandoned house.

Sera still keeps quiet, worried on what her mother will think once she finds out she's become a cripple. Her eyes have dark circles from the nights before, tired from the restless night.

Illena slams Seraphina into the beam she's tied to.

"HEY! I'm talking to you!"

"Illena, quit it already! If we keep her for any
longer... ...we'll get caught!", Krolik says in a worried tone.

"Oh, shut up Krolik! Of all times, you want to back out now?", Illena asked sternly.

"Remember, we owe this to her! So don't chicken out!", Illena continued.


Wenqi walked over to Illena, supporting her statement. "Illena's right. We'll never get an opportunity like this again."

The wavy, mint green haired girl sighs. "Gonna be honest...I just wanted to repay her for the wall incident. What was the point of keeping her here overnight? It's excessive.", Misa points out.

"This is nothing compared to what we had to go through! Now we finally have the chance to get back at them! After how her kind treated us... I don't care what happens! Seraphina isn't going anywhere until she admits we're better than her!", Illena shouts in rage.

"Speak for yourself," Krolik retorts.

Soon after, Elaine opened the door to the abandoned house.

Seraphina questioningly looks up, curious as to see who entered.

"Hm? What was that?" Illena asks.

Wenqi scrunched her eyebrows together, a bit nervous.

The person who entered caught Illena's attention, a look of pure shock present on her face.

She is faced with an irritated Arlo and exasperated Elaine. Illena becomes confused as to why they're here, and worried.

Krolik has a surprised and worried expression, his eyebrows scrunched together.

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