Part 30

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The teens have been paired up, each team being as equal and fair as possible.

John and Remi are on Team A.

Seraphina and Arlo are on Team B.

Whistling from the crowd screeched in student's ears.

A gust of wind ruffled the hair of numerous students. Several females flipped their hair back, annoyed by hair smacking their faces.

An immense amount of chills went down student's spines as they saw a student's in a black mask.

"That's him!"

"Oh my god, be careful! Don't even look at him!"

"Uh, why's everybody talking about this black m-masked dude...?"

"Shit, he's looking our way!"

"Hollup, I wanna record this!"

A flood of conversation bursted out from the crowd, some of the students being terrified and others intrigued .

Seraphina started at the black-masked teen, almost in disbelief.

Is that John?, Seraphina questioned.

John's POV


Why did I wear this mask? Now everybody's talking about me. Now everybody's... scared of me. That's exactly the opposite of what I wanted to happen! I don't want everybody to be afraid of me.... no, I do not want New Bostin to happen all over again.

My hand starts shaking slightly as I breathe in, trying to erase all of those horrid memories.

I was corrupted by power.

I'm not brave or compassionate.

A flashback of my fist punching Claire's face flashed before my eyes, threatening to break me down.

I hurt a lot of people.

I am a bad person.

Contradicting thoughts fought in my mind, almost fighting to see which thought is the truth.

All the people I beat up earlier at Wellston, they deserved every single bit of it. I'm going to destroy the f*cking hierarchy, starting by beating all the high tiers. If I want to establish my presence, I have to be thorough.

Narrator's POV

A look of pure horror is present on Seraphina's face as she realizes who is most likely the black-masked teen.

It can't be Remi, she already fought last round, plus she has a Pikachu mask. And she has a bow and a skirt, not dress pants.

It could be Arlo... I guess I'll see once we start fighting, Seraphina thinks, shuddering.

I hope it's not John. That's not the John I know. He... wouldn't...

A flashback of John spilling almost everything that happened to her. He never did mention he was the masked dude...

But, I guess I really don't know the true John. Has everything just been a facade? Has his past 'cripple' act was just a wall he put up to hide from his true self?

The John I know, or at least knew wouldn't do anything like that... but who am I to think such things?

Seraphina shudders, shaking her head, almost as if she was shaking the thought away.

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