Part 7

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John's POV
I run to school, rushing to get to class, as I hear a familiar voice call out to me. "John!"


She runs up to me, grasping my wrist as she drags me someplace.

The rooftop? We haven't been here together, peacefully, that is, in a while.

She doesn't say anything the whole way there until we enter.

"So you were mocking me this whole time? Pretending to be a cripple alongside me? 'We'll be cripples together, don't worry!' What type of sick contentment did you get from that? Why did you lie to me?!"

"There was... I'd never... no, there was a reason behind it." I manage to croak out.

"What could it possibly be? I trusted you with all my deepest secrets and fears. I trusted you in my most vulnerable times! I actually admired you..." She trails off.


"Remember when convinced my mother to let me go back to Wellston early? You were the reason why I could such a feat. I thought if you can do it, a cripple, then I could too!" Sera says, tears running down her face.

Narrator's POV
Silence followed Seraphina's rant, the only thing audible was her sobbing.

"I'm really sorry you know..."

"Sorry isn't enough! Tell me, why did you do it? Why did you lie to me? I looked up to you, y' know."

John's POV
"That's all the more reason it was harder to tell you. I didn't want you to leave. If you knew what really happened..." I fought back tears and gulped. "You'd probably leave me. You'd think of me as-"

Narrator's POV

Sera looked at John and seeing him tremble, let him rest his head on her shoulders.

"Would you have told me if this never happened?" She asked, referring to when she had been kidnapped by some mid-tiers yesterday.

"I don't know," John admitted. "When I first came to Wellston, I tried to keep a low profile, not boasting about my power. I tried not to get in anyone's way, or attack anyone using my ability. Then I met you... we became friends. Real good friends. I thought that you were enough. You didn't judge me based on my power, and we got along well. I saw no reason to tell you, back then." John said, remembering the conversation he had with his father when he came to visit him after John had ignored his calls. "Everyday, it became more and more difficult to hide it from you. Since you became a cripple, people turned their backs on you. They beat you up, finding satisfaction in defeating some who once was a God-Tier. I could've done more. I could've beat them up back. But, I didn't want you to be disappointed, or fear me..." John trailed off.

Sera, attempting to lighten the mood, said: "What's there to be afraid of?"

"I'm such a coward for not beating them up back," John mumbled.

Instead of getting the desired reaction, John looked at the ground, his face in his hands.

"You may be a big fat liar, but I somehow know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose. More about your ability, how is it possible? Mimicry?"

"I'm not exactly sure." He confessed. "I really used to be a cripple, back in middle school, you know? Then, one day, my ability manifested. The first few weeks, it was only a weak imitation. Then, it eventually became really strong, to the point that I could use the ability stronger than the original user."

"When your dad asked me who's stronger, he wasn't really kidding, huh. I thought it was a joke, but little did I know..."

"I was corrupted by power. I really was a tyrant" John said, with his voice cracking. "If a kid bumped into me, told me something I didn't want to hear, even small things or mistakes like that, I would beat that kid up. My friend-or at least I used to think that, her ability was foresight. Her name was Claire. She knew I would become King, and decided to help me when I was a cripple. Later, she saw that the Jack would be the new King. So, she decided to rally up the whole school, but to no avail. I was stronger than them combined. I was dumb enough to believe her. Claire. But deep down, I know that I brought this upon myself..." John confessed, his eyes welling up with tears. "I really was a monster."

"Hey." Sera tried soothing him. "It's alright."

"You're not... you're not leaving?" John said a bit puzzled.

"Of course not. Why would I leave my best friend went he needs me the most?" Sera smiled. "What about when you found me unconscious, on the floor, at the dorms? When the kidnappers tried attacking me again, at your house. You told me Arlo dealt with it all. It didn't really go like that, did it?"

John told her the actual story on what happened that day.

"Once I saw you, I immediately called Elaine, but she hung up as soon as she heard my voice. Then, I had to threaten Arlo to come immediately with her."

"Why?" Sera scrunched her eyebrows together, in confusion. Unless Arlo knew his secret, he would never listen to a "cripple", or low tier. "Unless..."

John told her what actually happened when Arlo went with him "to run some errands." He told her that Arlo, Ventus, and Meili attacked him, to "teach him his place". At first, he said, he didn't do anything and just let them attack him. Then, he told her, he snapped. When Elaine came over to heal him, he threatened her not to tell anyone. Since that day, she had been scared of him. The rumors about Arlo being hurt at school were true, and the injuries were from John. He told her once the kidnappers came, he couldn't sense their aura, and the had some kind of ability dampening effect on the area for a limited amount of time. He did admit, that without Arlo's help, things could've gone nasty.

"So, you see, it wasn't all a lie." John joked. Then, seeing the disapproving expression on Seraphina's face, he said "kidding, kidding."

"Oh wow." She said, putting on a poker face. "You go from being all melancholic and depressed to making jokes in a split second." She teased.

Author's Note
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Please rate and comment!


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