Part 12

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The blonde haired woman stood there, both in shock and utter disbelief. She had finally found her son. She had left their family, joined a secret organization to become more powerful, and had quite the salary. She believed that this was better than just being a mother with a low salary. Deep down, her heart stung a little whenever she thought about her family, and everyone she had left behind for her job. Somewhere in the remains of the heart she had, she missed them. She wanted to go back. Disappearing without a trace, her friends and family searched for her, but shortly gave up. They had to accept the fact that she would probably never come back. Seeing him, she felt something she hadn't felt in a long time. Love? Empathy?

John took a step back.

"How do you know my name? How come you feel..." John trialed off, trying to find the right words to describe what he was feeling.

A stream of thoughts came rushing into John's brain. Who could she be? He wondered, questioningly. Ah, screw it. John charged at the woman, shredding her skin using her burning hot claws.

"Ah, f-ck! Can't you wait? I ha-" Volcan cried out.

"Not today, b-tch. First, I need to make sure you won't fight back. How can I be so sure you won't attack?" John interrupted her, forming a barrier. "Now, talk." The merciless teen commanded her.

"Look me straight in the eye, John." The woman told the raven haired teen, trying to see if it was him for sure. She deciphered that it was truly him. "Listen, John. I'm your..." The blonde said, quivering her lip. "Mother."

John stood there, in a moment of disbelief. Her? He thought, mentally pointing a finger at her. Of all people some cruel woman like her? He stopped his flow of thoughts similar to that, realizing that he was no different. Like mother, like son. In this case. Or at least it was that way. The first thing that came to mind was what he said. "Why'd you leave, then?" Why did she leave? He truly knew there were many possibilities or reasons why.

This was one question Volcan did not want to answer. The answer was simple. She wanted more money. Greed. She believed this way, she had a better life. That was not true whatsoever. Sure, she was wealthy, but she was lonely. Alone. She could barely get the answer to come out of her mouth.

"Greed." She admitted. "A higher pay. I became more powerful. I had a strong position. My word had a strong impact." After saying this, John wanted to argue with her, about what a stupid reason this was, but he knew better than that. This is how people are. This is how he was. The power got to his head, as it did to his very own mother. He hadn't argued, because he knew how hard it is to admit you did something like that. Not many people can do it, but when they do, it's a very hard thing. He had recently experienced this. Admitting to all of his cruel behavior in New Bostin, not trying to make him in a better light than he actually was. John looked over to his fellow classmates. He had completely forgotten they were here, and they were looking at them, both in shock and disbelief.

"You..." Blyke thought out loud. He never knew that, first off, John was this strong!? It shocked him, a lot. Second, she was his mother? Then, something clicked for him. Isen was beaten by someone way stronger than him, who had multiple abilities, and they didn't know about him yet. John. Now that he realized that, he remembered the time they carried John up the stairs to their dorm, and how angry he had been. Isen tried breaking them up from the argument he and John were having. He seemed scared? Now, he was attacked by him? But why? Knowing Isen, there could be many reasons, he concluded.

"Listen, what we want to know is where you have those injections." Remi admitted. Maybe then Seraphina might get her ability back? Remi wondered. If they can boost an ability using injections, they must be able to do the opposite, right? They probably have the injections with them. All of these people are coming from... Remi glances around the vicinity. A van!  Remi assumed that they were most likely in there. Where else would they keep them? She thought.

"Oh, you want a hit? Someone like you would practically be invincible if you did. Think of how powerful you'd be!" Volcan says, smirking.

Something finally dawned on John. Injections? Just like what they did to Sera! She had an injection in her arm, and because of it she couldn't use her ability! Almost like it disappeared into thin air. These injections sound like they have the  opposite effect of what had happened to Seraphina. Maybe... she's the one who did this! A sudden surge of anger rushed through John. So what if she claims to be my mother? She's probably the one who did this to Sera. She's the one who needs to pay. John charged at her, and stepping into the barrier, got into a fighting position. He was about to kick her with the rush of power running in him, until Remi shouted.

"Wait!" She exclaimed, causing John to flinch and stumble a bit. He turned to Remi with an angry glare in his eye, making her shiver.

"What is it?" John said.

"Watch out! There's more!" Remi shouted, attempting to ignore the immense fear she felt.

John had enough. He automatically turned around, and kicked the man right in the stomach, who was attempting a sneak attack. He then grabbed him by the collar. "You worthless piece of sh-t. What the hell do you want? You know what, you're useless." The rush of power and endorphins in John was let loose as he grabbed the man with a collar, drew his arm back and violently punched him. John viciously slammed the man to the ground. Volcan could only stand there and watch as her son knocked out one of her strongest coworkers, as she was trapped in a barrier she had earlier attempted to break out of, to no avail.

"Now, everyone who attacks is knocked out, correct? So talk." Blyke spat out. "Answers." He demanded.

Volcan shivered. It had been a long time since she had dealt with people stronger than her, and could demand answers, as she was usually the one attacking. "Those vials, they have a liquid that allows you to boost your ability. They don't last forever, so you have to inject yourself regularly."

"What about the opposite? Do you have injections that can remove someone's ability?  Have you used these before?"

Volcan was a bit shocked as to how they know these type of things. She wanted to leave, wanted to threaten them, but she knew it was really them threatening her. "Yes," she simply replied. She knew she was breaking the contract she had to sign, but she had a strong urge to leave to leave as soon as possible. "We have used it on someone, and took away their ability."

John seemed enraged at that moment. "How do you reverse it? Tell me, now." He spat out, demanding answers.

Volcan sighed. "I'm assuming you know this person, correct?" Seeing the angry expression on his face, she continued. "We have something that allows us to give the abilities to someone-or in this case, give them back. We collected it from a syringe."

"Give it to me," John ordered.

"Now...!" He viciously spat out, venom written all over him.

Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please rate and comment!

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